chapter 1

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I woke up and all i could think about was him, but i can't date him.. We hate eachother. He's so dreamy though.. I looked at the time and realized i was late for school. ''SHIT'' I yelled out. I got out of bed and grabbed some random clothes. I've always been the person who doesn't care what other people thinks about me, but of course just today all i could think about was colby and what he would think of me. About 20 mins later. I was finally done and ready to head to school. Mom didn't wanna drive me so i walked. Basically mom is a drunk but i know deep down she cares about me and loves me. I arrived to school and hurried to class, when i arrived and opened the door everyone stared at me. Did i look different than the other days?? Whatever, why should i care. I saw this girl staring at me up and down. ''What the fuck is your problem?'' I said annoyed. I saw colby and couldn't stop smiling. ''Y/n, can you please sit down so we can continue the class, please?'' The teacher said pointing at my seat. ''Uh yeah sure sorry miss..''

The class was boring as usual, so all i did was carve names into my desk. It was sort of fun because it was all shipnames for me and colby. I laughed. ''What is so funny ms. golbach?'' ''Nothing sorry i interrupted.'' I said looking down awkward. An hour later class was done and i was getting up to go but colby stopped me. ''Hey look, I know we're supposed to hate eachother but like, are you okay, you don't seem like yourself.'' He said. It didn't really sound like he meant it but i'm gonna take it positively. ''Don't act so stupid colby. No one said we have to hate eachother, that's your choice, i never wanted us to be enemies. And i'm fine.'' I said walking away. ''Wait y/n!'' I heard colby yell after me. ''What do you want?'' I said stopping and looking back. ''Please, can we just be even?'' He begged. ''Even? You want to be even.'' I laughed. ''Yes i want to be fucking even.'' He moved closer. ''Mkay then leave me alone, and i'll think about it very slowly.'' I said knowing i wanted him so badly. I left and walked home. After i arrived home i saw Sam.. He was finally home after a trip. ''SAM!'' I yelled running towards him and hugging him tightly. ''Hey y/n :)'' He said happily. ''God i missed you like crazy.. Is kat here too?'' I said with a grin. ''No she's not here, she's still in London.'' He said looking up at me. ''Oh well that's fine, i'm just glad you're here!'' I said on my way to my room. I walked up the stairs and opened the door. Just a second after i got a text i looked at my phone.

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