The Introducing Part

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Introducing the Characters...

Taekwoon(Jung)A boy who

doesn't smile easily and can kill

the girls with his icey character.

Hakyeon(Cha) A charming

girl who doesn't very popular . But

she has a sweet and cute style.

Wonsik (Kim) A bad and rich guy . Hakyeon's parents talked

with his parents about making

them marry.

Jaehwan(Lee) A very elegant

and pretty girl who likes Taekwoon

very much and pretending she

doesn't like him.Her parents

and Taekwoon's parents are

are very close friends.

Hongbin Taekwoon's younger brother.A cute and handsome boy.

Sanghyuk (?) Coming Soon.

Ok. I've introduced the characters

But I haven't introduced because

I can't. If I tell about him , you

will already know about the whole

story. So, don't mad at me guys.

Episode (1) will arrive to you in

two days.

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