Same old Lady bug man

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Returning to the leaf was a hoot. Naruto wasn't back yet but he would be soon. "Alright Sasu. I'm gonna go report to Lqdy Tsunade that we're home and back on active roster." I nodded. "And later today us three are gonna go get dango." I smiled widely.
"You and your dango." Sasuke shook his head, walking off. "Let's go Shisui."
"Catch up later pretty!" Shisui waved at you, before going with Sasuke. Chuckling with a small smile you waved.
"Their both cuties." You laughed to yourself, teleporting to the Hokage office you waved. "Yo!"
"Don't-!" She jumped. "Don't do that!"
"We're home, back for missions so let us know." You waved. "And now I gotta go." At that you disappeared. Spreading your chakra out you searched for a certain chakra. Feeling it you focused in on the feeling and started to run towards it. You had missed your best friend sure, but first you needed to see Asuma. Seeing him in the distance, sitting beside his team you launched yourself onto his back as soon as you could. "Asuma-Chan!!" You cheered.
"Oof!" He jolted, flinching. "(Y-Y/N)?"
"Yeah I'm home!" You hugged tighter onto his back.
Maru looked at you in surprise, smiling softly. "Hey."
"Hey Maru," you giggled happily. "It's good to be home."
"You worried us."
"Eh you'll be fine." You yelped struggling softly when you were suddenly forced to let Asuma go and he picked you up into a hug, your breathing picking up as a few tears fell from your eyes.
"Hey hey it's okay I'm just hugging you." He let you go, placing you on the ground. "You okay?" His eyebrows furrowed in worry.
"Yeah-yeah just," you breathed in deeply. "I'm sorry. I overreacted. I'm really only used to being touched by three people unless I'm getting attacked right now. But I do have a question Asu-"
"Dad, I put the papers through." At that you beamed happily.
"Okay dad!" You turned to Maru, you're smile so bright. "How have you been Maru? I missed your face." You giggled.
"I missed you too troublesome woman." He scooted over slightly as you plopped down beside him. "And it's been a drag."
Laying your head on his shoulder you nodded sympathetically. "I agree. It's been a drag without you." Smiling as you poked his cheek as it reddened, lifting your head up you yawned softly. "I gotta get back to Shi and Sasu though; promised them dango."
"Come on, stay with us. Dump those idiots for today."
"Maruuuuuu, I can't, I promised themmmm."
"Fine, meet me at our spot." He sighed letting you get up.
"Of course!" You kissed his cheek as you stood up, "you're wonderful, I will see you after Dango."
"You better."
You waved running off to find the two Uchihas. Keeping on ear out for root of course. Changing course when you felt some root starting towards you you rushed to the most populated area in Konoha. Stopping in the middle of the plaza you darted into a random shop, taking on a transformation of an old lady in the tea shop you hobbled out. Hiding your chakra as you hobbled along the road you struggled to keep enough of it usable to feel for Root operatives. Stopping at stalls and buying random ingredients you stayed in character.
Not being able to locate the Root really put you at a disadvantage, but hiding your chakra made it even. Unless they had a sensory type; and knowing Danzo-San they did, you needed to get out of crowded areas.
Making your way to the graveyard you dropped your transformation, looking around you sighed. Activating your Kanzeigan you stopped concealing your chakra. Looking around for a unknown ghost you spotted one. He looked like Sasuke, but with long hair, might be his dad! "Hey." You jogged over to him. "Help me." Forming him quickly you breathed heavily, never having formed two people at once.
He stared at you for a second before it seems you clicked in his mind. "Oh yes. I do not mind, my clansmen's seem to enjoy your presence." He nodded. "How do you require assistance?"
"Oh thank you! I'd call Shi but he's known as dead and without his weapons so thank you so much!" Biting your thumb you quickly summoned a sword. "Do you need a weapon?"
"I prefer swords if your offering."
"Got it!" You summoned another. "This one has some tricks up it's sleeves so be careful, I'd choose another non tricky one but every one of my swords has some tricks."
"I'm sure it will be fine."
"Alright just, try not to press the switch on the hilt, that'll cause it to become a chain whip."
He nodded as you watched three root operatives walk up.
"Heh should have known you'd summon a ghost Rabbit."
"Eh it's what I do best yeah Dolphin?" You smirked, but knew the man behind you and Shi could feel your panic.
"Obviously it is. It's all you Delone's have up your sleeve." His voice sounded sarcastic.
"Oh good thing I got a friend with me then." You clicked your tongue. "You gonna kill me and take my eyes now?"
"That's the plan. Lord Danzo orders you know."
"I can just tell you hate this don't you Dolphin? Oh wait." You laughed, "you can't. You don't feel things."
"Just give up. I'd rather not have to hurt you captain."
"Dolphin Dolphin you know I can't do that, I do have a life to live. Now I've given you sufficient time to allow Boar to set his traps. Let's begin shall we Dolphin?"
"Tch. You're so confident you'll win."
"Oh of course I am, Dolphin I've grown in the past three years. You won't win."
"Oh you had ghosts teach you? With your reserves you won't be able to get more then one or two off."
"Well their strong." You yawned. "Now I'm bored. I didn't come home to get bored to death. Make this fun if you really wanna kill me." Rushing forward you went to cut Dolphin. Jumping back he 'tch'ed.
"I know your fighting style captain!"
Looking back for a second you saw the Uchiha had taken down Boar and the third member. Damn he was good, and fast. With him joining you you jumped back to his side. "Hey I know Uchihas have fire style. Do you have fire ball?"
"Yes." He nodded. "I'll use it if you wish."
"Please? I have a wind style to go with it and Dolphins style is weak to-" you blocked a poisoned Kunai, "well both, and he uses poison but that only really effects me so just be careful yeah?" You stopped talking, letting him pull off the great fire ball jutsu before you added a whirlwind jutsu to it. Dolphin appeared behind you right after, slightly burned as he reached around you to tug one of your eyes out. Reacting quickly you sliced through his arm, his arm from his elbow down falling to the ground. He grunted jumping back away.
Breathing heavily as your eye bled, once again slightly moved from the socket you grunted in pain. Rushing towards him as he did the same, a Kunai in his remaining hand. Not bothering to block the Kunai you went to slice his neck. The Kunai buried in your shoulder, right over your heart. Watching the best you could as Dolphin fell you stumbled back. "Hey-hey uhm, hos-hospital please." You looked at the Uchiha.
He nodded, picking you up and flashing through town at your instructions. Dropping you off at the hospital he stayed until you got taken back to be healed.
Afterwards he was still there. "So uhm, I'm (Y/N) Delone-Sarutobi. You?"
"Uchiha. Izuna Uchiha."

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