Chapter 9: The Chest

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Jack sat at the front of the longboat clutching his jar of dirt while Pintel and Ragetti rowed to shore, and Elizabeth, Norrington and (Y/n) sat in the back.

"You're pulling too fast." Pintel complained.

"You're pulling too slow. We don't want the Kraken to catch us." Ragetti argued.

"I'm saving me strength for when it comes." Pintel explained. "And I don't think it's 'Kraken' anyways. I always heard it said 'Krayken.'"

"What, with a long A?"


"No, no, no, no, no. 'Krocken' is how it's pronounced in the original Scandinavian, and 'Kraken' is closer to that."

"Well we ain't original Scandinavians are we? 'Krayken.'"

"It's a mythological creature. I can calls it what I wants."

"Oh, who cares how it's pronounced. It's big, scary, and eats people what more do you need to know?" (Y/n) snapped.

Pintel and Ragetti looked at each other and shrugged, agreeing that she had a point.


Once the longboat was brought ashore, Jack tossed his jacket into the boat, left his jar in there, and grabbed a shovel.

"Guard the boat, mind the tide, don't touch my dirt." Jack ordered.


(Y/n), Jack, Elizabeth, and James all set off on foot to find the chest with Elizabeth following the compass.

Eventually, they stopped at a certain sandy spot, because the arrow on the compass was changing and Elizabeth kept walking around in circles.

Eventually she plopped down on the ground, completely frustrated. "This doesn't work. And it certainly doesn't show you what you want most."

Jack came over and looked down at the compass. "Yes it does. You're sitting on it."

Elizabeth looked up at him in confusion. "Beg your pardon?"

Jack waved her off the spot she was sitting on. "Move."

Elizabeth stood up, and gestured for James to start digging, which he did, although he didn't look very happy about it.


Pintel and Ragetti were standing by the longboat like Jack said. Ragetti was balancing a shovel on his hand while Pintel was complaining.

They were so busy in their activities, neither of them noticed they were being watched.


Davy Jones lowered his spyglass with a scowl. "They're here. And I cannot step foot on land again for near a decade."

"You'll trust us to act in your stead?" Hammerhead asked.

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