Sunny came over to sit beside Kim, they began discussing some of their favorite bands and Basil smiled lightly, moving to stand over by Kel. "You doing alright?"

"Yeah. Why d'you ask?" Kel said dismissively.

"You were just acting kind of strange back there."

"How so?"

Basil shrugged, "You're just usually the very energetic type. It felt kind of odd when you were so quiet."

"Eh," Kel sighed, "Just kind of tired today. Wasn't really eager to come here."

"Makes sense."

The blonde sat down in the bean bag beside the one Sunny had previously been in, his brunette friend seemingly surprised he hadn't pushed further. Basil looked to where Kim and Sunny sat. They spoke excitedly, invested in the conversation as if nothing else in the world mattered. Looking over Sunny, Basil soaked in every detail. The way the ravenette made excited gestures as he spoke, then would go quiet within an instant to intently listen to the other. The way he would slouch slightly, sitting cross legged on the bed- posture straightening when something in particular peaked his interest. The way his lips curved up and his eyes brightened with excitement. Basil found his heart beating out of his chest and, despite never using his phone the way most teenagers did, he pulled the device out- staring at the screen to distract himself.

The door swung open, "We brought snacks!"

Aubrey cheerfully came in, carrying a couple two liters of soda along with a few bags of chips, Noah following in after her. He carefully balanced a large bowl of dip and some cups.

"Here, let me help with that." Basil stood, taking the cups from the curly haired male.

"Thanks man."

They set the stuff out, mainly on the floor because Kim threatened to murder anyone who got crumbs on her or her brothers bed. Sunny reclaimed the bean bag beside Basil, and the others launched into conversation.

"Yo Aubs!" Kim smiled, "Did you know Sunny listens to MCR?"

"Really!?" Aubrey's eyes widened.

Sunny nodded, "Do you?"

"I've heard a few songs."

They began their discussion again and Basil leaned forward, pouring himself some pepsi from the two liter. Glancing back at Sunny, he grabbed another cup. "You want some?"

"Sure." Sunny smiled lightly, accepting the cup offered to him.

The conversation had gotten way off track as Noah joined in on it, Basil didn't much care for what they were saying but it was nice to just enjoy the music playing on the speaker as his friends (+Noah) excitedly conversed. Kel was very obviously uninterested in the conversation, having moved to sit beside Kim on her bed when Noah and Aubrey had sat down on Vance's.

"Eh, your music taste is mid at best." Kim shook her head at Noah with a smile, "I don't even think Vance listens to screamo."

Noah rolled his eyes, "Oh please like punk's much better."

"It so is!" Sunny chimed in, leaning forward.

"Of course you like punk." Noah shook his head, "You look the part."

"Hey what's that supposed to mean?" Sunny raised an eyebrow with a smile, then looked at the blonde, "Punk is better than screamo right Basil?"

Basil looked away nervously smiling, "You're asking the wrong person about this."

"Oh come on you must have heard at least a song or two!" Kim protested, "You and Sunny are basically attached at the hip!"

"What music DO you listen to Basil?" Aubrey sat up straighter now, curious.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Mar 31, 2023 ⏰

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