Chapter Nine: Lunatic

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Some day in February, Night Time (PST)
Location:, Beacon Hills California
A Few Days After The Thing At The School Probably

Third Person POV:

Under the light of an almost full moon, Scott follows Stiles, and Avery down a dark path through the woods.

"Where are we going?" Scott asks.

"You'll see." Stiles said.

"Cause we really shouldn't be out here. My mom is in a constant state of freak out from what happened at the school." Scott said.

"Well, your mom isn't the Sheriff, okay? There's no comparison. Trust us." Avery says.

"Can you at least tell me what we're doing out here?" Scott asks.

"When your best friend gets dumped--" Stiles says.

"I didn't get dumped. We're taking a break." Scott said.

"Alright well, when your cousin's best friend gets told by his girlfriend that they're taking a break..." Avery says.

Avery pulls out a bottle of jack daniels from his backpack.

"You get your cousin's best friend drunk." Avery said.

Avery holds up the bottle of Jack with a big smile. When he sets it down on a rock... It's half empty. No telling how much time has passed, but long enough for Stiles to have gotten completely wasted.While Avery was sober. The four friends keep warm around a steel trash can with a fire blazing inside.

"Dude, she's one girl. There are plenty more girls in the sea." Avery said.

"Fish in the sea." Scott sighs.

"What? Why are you talking about fish? I'm talking about girls. Especially ones with strawberry blonde hair, green eyes, five foot three..." Stiles says.

"Like Lydia?" Avery and Scott say.

"Exactly. How did you know I was talking about... What was I talking about? You don't look happy. Drink." Stiles says as he looks at Scott.

"I don't want anymore." Scott said.

"Wait a minute....You're not drunk?" Avery said.

"I'm not anything." Scott said.

Scott stares into the fire, the glow from the flames flickering over his face.

"Maybe it's like not needing your inhaler anymore. Maybe you can't get drunk because you're a werewolf." Avery said.

"Am I drunk?" Stiles asks.

"You're wasted." Scott and Avery say.

"Yeaaahhh." Stiles slurs.

Stiles holds his hand out for a fist bump. Gets nothing in return.

"Dude, I know it feels bad. But you gotta' remember. As much as being broken up hurts... Being alone is even worse. Wait a minute. That didn't come out right. I need another drink." Stiles says.

Stiles reaches for the bottle again, but a hand grabs it first. Stiles steps back, looking up in surprise at--Two twenty somethings. The largest is Reddick, an unfortunate combination of muscle and antisocial behavior. His friend is a troll named Unger.

"Well, look at the little bitches getting their drink on. Oh and if it isn't the freak's twin." Reddick says.

Stiles steps away as Unger laughs with an obnoxious tittering. Scott keeps his gaze leveled on Reddick.While Avery stands back so he doesn't do anything rash.

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