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There are four things Tiano Orleonne must abide by.

One, seatbelts must be worn in all circumstances.

Two, three tablespoons of coffee and three tablespoons of sugar for every twelve ounces of milk.

Three, turtles must be fed four to five times a week.

And four, consistency in everything.

His family has always been known for returning favors. He pays what he owes, in double, or triple.

They never forgive and they never forget.

Of course, they are not that ruthless. In the time of his great grandparents, they were known for stories of love, loyalty and brotherhood. It was in the time when the underworld was cloaked through hushed meetings, hunted by the authorities, until its fall decades back.

However, the world needed balance and fun, and so darkness had to rise.

Famiglia Orleonne was one of those dark phoenixes, not to reclaim the throne it once held in the underworld, nor feed on the fear and respect of those below, but to protect themselves. No matter how they hid in the comfort of loyal men and women, being dubbed as the toothless beast wasn't as assuring.

His great grandfather, Adam Oreleonne, took the reins, emerging from his quiet marriage, rebuilding the clan with offspring of their protectors and then passed the ring to his daughter, Tiano's grandmother, and now to him.

"Ah, I should bring flowers next time," he muttered, blowing smoke, as he leaned on his chair, eyes on the ceiling of his office. The breeze from his window brushed on his face, and the starless sky comforted him.

"I'm telling grandma," a voice said. "You're smoking again."

Tiano glanced at a younger man, who despite the threatening voice, was grinning, hands on his chin eyeing the chessboard. He then moved a piece.

"And Tulips would be nice," the other added, moving another piece to counter his previous attack. "Checkmate."

Although people find it strange why Justin plays chess by and against himself, Tiano let his younger brother be. After all, "Thy enemy is oneself," Justin once said. "Always oneself."

Or it must be because the people around him were not worthy to play against the younger Orleonne. Except for their grandmother, whom the younger never won a game, and whom Tiano snatched a few wins.

"Pink tulips, it is," the young boss stated, twisting his swivel chair from the window with the city skyline, to the silent crowd in his office. With woven fingers, elbows on the table, he leaned forward and eyed a man on his knees. "What do you think?"

The said man could not answer, he was gagged after all. Despite the swollen face covered in blood, fear etched on him, watching the current ruler of the Orleonnes. Still, the man nodded, agreeing to whatever he was asked.

There was regret too. He shouldn't have been a rat. He should have stayed loyal as he vowed to the Orleonne Family, never leak information to the Genovese, and derail the counterfeit shipments. If this kneeling man had known contentment, Tiano and Justin would have been back in the countryside for their grandmother's birthday.

But then, out of all the rulers among the Orleonnes, Tiano is the greediest. Some argued that it was his great grandfather Adam Orleonne, but one cannot compare the tales of the dead to those still living, no matter how feared the said legend is.

Tiano was never the type to delay business over sentimentality. Naturally, his younger brother Justin, who couldn't stand teatime with the old lady despite his love for their grandmother, stayed with him.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 11, 2023 ⏰

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