Ch.1 New school

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Talking: "..."
Thinking: '...'
Scared gear speaking: "Speaking"
Sacred gear thinking 'Thinking'
No one's pov:

We see a park with 3 small children running around playing games.
???: "Come on Issei keep up with us." One of the children yells after stoping and turning to yell at a brown haired boy.
Y/n: "Yeah if you don't catch us then we'll get all the chicken nuggets." You yell at the same brown haired boy after you stop next to the blonde.
Issei: "Wha-what no that not fair you guys started before me." He wines as he catches up to you and the blond. "Y/n, Irina you are so mean."
Irina: "Then you should have kept up no let's go already." The blond yells as they take off running to the house as the two boys follow.

Y/no's pov:

After you and your two best friends enter the house and eat your food Irina looks at you and Issei with a sad expression.
Irina: "Thank you guys for this last play date before I have to move away."
Y/n: "Don't be sad as long as our parents keep in touch after we get older then we can call each other." you say trying to comfort your friend about their move
Issei: "Yeah Y/n is right and that day will come before you know it." He says as he raises his fist in the air.
Y/n: "And here take this it'll be a reminder that we'll always be friends and will see each other once again some day." you hand your two friends bracelets and put on a matching one.
Irina: "You guys..." she says as she hugs you two as tears form in her eyes.

Well that may have been the promise you all made but as time went on you lost contact with Irina.

Time skip to today: Your pov

You wake up to the sound of your alarm and get ready for school. You walk down stairs and you grab the food left on a plate with a note
Note: "Sorry Y/n the hospital was short staffed again but I made you breakfast have a good first day at your new school and tell Issei I said hi."
This was normal to you, your mother was always a hard worker trying to care for the world one patient at a time but her work used this against her anytime they needed more people. You grab your food and bag as you head to your new school.

Time skip to school:

You approach the gates of kuoh academy as you see other students arriving and talking to their friends.
Y/n: *sigh* "I can't believe I let him convince me to transfer here." You say as a brown hair boy crept behind you
Issei: "BOO!" He yells from behind you causing your fight or flight to kick in as you punch his square in the head
Y/n: "SON OF A- god you scared me are you ok your not bleeding are you?" You say after nailing your friend in the face.
Issei: "Yeah I probably deserve that." He said holding head. "But hey your right hook is as good as ever." He says with a giggle
Y/n: "Yeah, yeah you deserved it for what you did"
Issei: "Well you weren't paying attention and I took the opportunity"
Y/n: "Well as an apology you can lead to the student council so I can get my schedule"
Issei: "Yeah alright I'm just glad you finally decided to agree and join the school"
Y/n: "Yeah if I didn't you'd never stop asking and before I forget my mom says hi." You say as you follow Issei to the student council.
Boy1: "Did you see that guy send Hyoudou to the ground with one punch."
Boy2: "Yeah and look at him he's good looking on top of that all the girls are going to be falling at his feet."
Girl1: "Did you see that guy with the h/c hair take out the pervert?"
Girl2: "Yeah and he's good looking as well."
You hear people talking about you and Issei as you walk past.
Y/n: "So I knocked down a pervert?" You say looking at your friend with a teasing grin.
Issei: "HEY STOP TALKING BEHIND OUR BACKS! Shut up Y/n I just appreciate the woman's body." He said with a perverted smile.
Y/n: "and by appreciating you mean peeping?" You ask as you know your friend's personality.
Issei: "Oh would you look at that we arrived at the student council. Well I'll go now so you can get your schedule and what not. See you later." He says as you both arrive. He then waves as you wave back and knock on the door.
???: "come in"
You enter and see a couple students doing tasks while a girl with glasses sits behind a desk with another girl behind her.
Y/n: "Umm I was told this is where I could get my schedule, I'm the new transfer." You say with a slight smile
???: "Yes we've been expecting you..." you cut her off with a slight chuckle.
Y/n: "hehe sorry I just pictured you with a eye patch and letting a cat when you said that." You say with a slight chuckle.
???: "I guess that would be funny if I were in your shoes." she says with a smile "Anyway my name is Sona Shitory and here is your schedule." She says handing you a folder.
Y/n: "Thanks and nice to meet you my name is L/n, Y/n L/n." You say as you notice a chessboard. "And your mission should you choose to except it is to allow me to play you in chess in the future." You say with a grin
Sona: "I accept and look forward to it 007." She says as you smile at the fact she went with the joke.
Y/n: "Ok then I'll get out of your hair and I can't wait for our match." You say with a slight bow as you leave.

Sona pov:
Sona: 'hmm what a interesting new comer but I did since something in him maybe a sacred gear I should tell Rias about this"

No one pov:
You make your way to the classroom you were assigned and knock on the door. A man opens the door and looks at you.
Teacher: "you must be the new student wait here for a minute." You nod your head as you hear the teacher tell the class. "Ok class we have a new student so be nice, you may come in now."
You enter the class and stand next to the desk and proceed to introduce yourself
Y/n: "Hello I'm Y/n L/n and I was home schooled until a certain idiot convinced me to join this scho-" as you say that you make eye contact with Issei. "Oh speak of the idiot." You say as you shoot finger guns at Issei. "Well any questions for me?" You ask the class.
Girl1: "Are you single?"
Y/n: "Yes"
Girl2: "How do you know that pervert and are you one too?"
Y/n: "Well we are childhood friends and no unlike him I respect women."
Boy with glasses: "What's your favorite part of the female body?"
Y/n: "What did I just say? Um teacher could I use that chock?" You say as the teacher nods. You then throw the chock at the boy that asked that question nailing him in the face.
Teacher: "That's enough questions, since you know Hyoudou you can sit behind him." He says as you sit behind your friend.

Time skip lunch:

You leave the class and go to the roof while Issei goes with his perverted friends to most likely cause trouble. You arrive and see a girl with white hair eating some chocolate.
Y/n: "oh I didn't think anyone would be here mind if I sit?" You say as she just looks at you with a emotionless stare. "Um I'll take that as a yes." You say as you sit down and start eating
Y/n: "ok this is uncomfortable... hey if I give you some of my cake will you at least tell me your nam-" You did even finish your question when she walks over to you with stars in her eyes.
???: "Yes, my name is Koneko Toujou." She says as she holds her hands out.
Y/n: "So all it takes is sweets we'll my name is Y/n L/n and a deals a deal." You say as you hand her some cake.
You sit enjoying the cake with you don't most of the talking. The bell rings saying it's time to class as you stand up and hold your hand out to help Koneko up.
Y/n: "Well it was nice meeting your Koneko, tomorrow I'll bring some homemade sweets with me if you'd like some." You say as Koneko shakes her head
Koneko: "Yes, please."

Time skip 5 days:

This first week of school was better than you thought you made a friend because of sweets and you got to watch the kendo club beat up Issei and his friends. Now your sitting under a tree and you and Issei are talking about whatever when a gust of wind hit both of you and you see a girl with red hair looking at both of you.
Y/n: "Wh-who was that?" You asked still looking at where the red haired beauty.
Issei: "I think that was Rias Gremory if I'm correct"

Rias pov:
Rias: "Akeno, who were those two?" She ask as he looks at a chess board
Akeno: "I believe the brown haired one is named Issei Hyoudou and the h/c haired one is Y/n L/n, I also think he's new. Why do you ask?" She replied answering her king's question.
Rias: "No reason, I was just curious if you knew them... Y/n didn't Sona mention him?"
Akeno: "Now that you mention it Koneko also has mentioned him as well. I think she said he makes good sweets."
Rias: "Quite interesting to catch both of their attention. Oh and checkmate" She says as she moves a pawn.
Akeno: "Oh darn it I tried to make it hard on you."
Rias: "It's fine but your trap was easy to see through." She says as she strips and enters the shower.

No one pov:
Y/n and Issei were walking over a bridge as they talked about the assignment when a girl in a strange school uniform runs up.
???: "Um are you Issei Hyoudou from kuoh academy?" She asks while looking at Issei.
Issei: "Um yes what can I do for you"
???: "I'm Yuma Amano and I wanted to know if your seeing anyone?"

To be continued...
Well this took longer than I thought but hey I enjoyed it and I hope you will too. For those wondering I plan on Koneko being the first to fall for our Y/n and that's the only spoiler I'm going to give. I'll posts ch. 2 here soon in a week or less... probably
Bye for now I'll see you in the next chapter.
1885 words

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