The two of them make their way into the kitchen leaving me to rest my head back against the sofa. My eye's feel tired now I know I can relax.

* * *

I'm not in the mood for school today. I've got more energy today than I did yesterday but still feel drained. Thankfully I had yesterday off work with the cold taking full affect. I just laid there for most of the day. Nancy came home and fussed over me, not letting me lift a finger.

It was nice, other than the being ill part.

I'd done a lot less days in work the past six weeks. I'd decided to leave the corner shop job and just keep the job at Danny's. When Elsie first came into my life, I had a word with my boss there in private. Explaining my new home life situation. He understood, and gave me the option to take time off to spend with Elsie. I had a lot of holiday days that I hadn't used to take so I used them to have the first four weeks off. Deciding to use the rest one day a week for the next few weeks. Meaning I was down to only working one day a week. A slight difference from what I've been used to but welcomed all the same.

With Nancy back I spent the day just dozing on the sofa. With that first piece of toast in me I found I was able to eat more as the day went on. Nancy whipped up a warm lemonade and honey drink to sooth my throat. By the end of the day the headache was gone. With the full pressure of the congestion passing today.

Nancy insisted I stayed home from school Monday, another day spent on the sofa. Now it's Tuesday and I'm feeling well enough to brave the storm. With no social media I don't know what I'm walking into today.

Did Amanda recognise?

If she did, did she tell people that she saw me with a baby that looks a lot like me?

I'm not stupid, I know what it looks like. A female with a baby that has a family resemblance. Of course, peoples first impression is teen mum. I spent the walk into school trying to rack my brains and remember if I'd told Amandas mum that Elsie was my niece of even implied it. Yet I don't think I did.

The first time I went in that pharmacy I was so over-whelmed. I didn't know what was happening with Amelia. Didn't know what I was doing for Elsie. I was a mess.

Then the other day I go in there with a raging headache, intent on getting something for the cold. Not really thinking about anything but getting relief. Both times were low points in my mental capacity, not really an opportunity to clear my name.

Of course, this worry may be for nothing.

Maybe Amanda didn't recognise me. I have been pretty invisible in school in recent years, maybe that has helped me here.

Or not if the amount of people who just did double takes as I walked past into the school building was anything to go by.

This is going to be a long day.

* * *

"Mikayla," Mr Warde calls me over as I enter reg. "The head teacher wants to talk to you before your lessons. I'll mark you in if you want to head over there now." he says quietly.

With a nod, and a sinking feeling in my gut I turn around and head back out the class.

Taking a deep breath, I knock on the door to the head teacher's office. I haven't been here since I found out about my parents and hoped I'd never have to see this room again. The desk for the secretary remains empty outside her office so I assume I'm to just knock.

A moment later and Mrs Ellis opens the door with a gentle smile.

"Miss Hayes, come in. Take a seat." She says moving back to her desk. Once seated she seems to pause, taking a breath before starting again. "Do you know why I've asked to see you today?"

"No Miss. I was off with a cold yesterday." I mean I have a feeling what this is going to be about but why I'm being called to the head teachers office is beyond me.

"Well yesterday it became known through the school that you had a baby over the summer. Miss Hayes it's my duty to protect you and while I can't do anything now about when you were carrying, I just ..."

"She's my niece." I blurt out. Cutting Mrs Ellis off.

She takes a moment to register what I said. "You're niece?"

"Yes." I nod.

"You're niece. Not your child." She chuckles, sitting back a lot happier and relaxed now. "I've got to say Miss Hayes that makes me feel a lot better."

I try for a tentative smile. "The whole school thinks she's mine?" I ask, not as happy as Mrs Ellis is.

"Yes, I'm afraid, I'm not sure where the mix-up came from."

"I took Elsie to the pharmacy to get some medicine for myself on Saturday, a girl from my year was there. She must have just assumed." Like you did Miss. I want to add but hold my tongue.

The teachers probably think due to my tragic welcome to the orphan club that I would be prime for making the choices that would land me with a baby. They don't realise how much I've had to grow up the past few years or the fact that my like for females means I won't be having any happy accidents. I understand it but it still stinges that there was no query, just straight to the assumption.

"Elsie's a lovely name."

"It was my mum's middle name."

"Ah." Mrs Ellis smiles in understanding. "It's different having a baby in the house. Less full night's sleep, that's for sure."

"She does like waking me up for six in the morning." I chuckle.

Mrs Ellis chuckles as well. "Right, well, everything I was going to say was pointless. I'll send a message out to the teachers so they can try and squash these rumours. In the meantime, you are free to go about you day. Your teachers have said you're doing well again this year so keep up the hard work."

"Thank you, Miss." I say leaving the office. The teachers know but that doesn't account for the students. With a deep breath in what could be the last time I have a quiet moment in school I make my way to first lesson. 

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