The Goth Girl

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Name: Madelaine Blackery

Age: 19

Gender: female

Sexuality: lesbian

Appearance: shoulder length curly dark brown hair, emerald green eyes, pale skin, hourglass figure, some tattoos


Personality: mysterious, reserved, intelligent, understanding, ambitious, genuine, selfless, truthful, polite, respectful, sassy, dark sense of humor, sarcastic

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Personality: mysterious, reserved, intelligent, understanding, ambitious, genuine, selfless, truthful, polite, respectful, sassy, dark sense of humor, sarcastic

Family: Samara Blackery (mom), Draven Blackery (dad)

Friends: the other goth kids

Likes: reading dark books, witchcraft, the occult, dark colors, walking through cemeteries, alternative/ hard rock music, animals, spending time with her family, hanging out with friends, being different

Dislikes: girly things, light colors, bullies, people telling her what to do, being called a freak, lairs, cheaters, manipulators, betrayal, losing anyone she cares about, ending up alone one day

Crush: the popular girl

Backstory: Madelaine always knew she was different from the other kids.she never liked wearing light colors or playing outside with the other kids.she preferred to read books about witchcraft and spirits.Madelaine got teased a lot because of this and it made her sad.however her parents who were just like her told their daughter not to let the other kids words get to her and do what makes her happy.Madelaine did and started to ignore the kids who made fun of her.Madelaine grew up and started getting attention because she was beautiful and it made other girls jealous.Madelaine never showed interest in dating anyone and stuck with her own group of goth kids.they would sit under a tree and talk about different things or listen to music together.when Madelaine was at home she'd make potions with her mom or read dark books with her dad.Madelaine also would spend time with her cat named Pandora whom she loved.

Pets: a black cat named Pandora

Theme Song:

Sticks And Stones by Icon For Hire

[ Lyrics ]

(Sticks and stones
Sticks and stones)

It's been brought to my attention, got my name on your lips
You been blowing dirt on it for days
Telling everyone my head is too big for my crown
'Cause when a woman wears it that's what they say

I built this kingdom from the ground up
Any guess is what it's made of, oh

Hurl your sticks and cast your stones
I sit higher with each blow
I know something you don't know
Your sticks and stones just forge my throne

Sticks and stones
Sticks and stones

I'm not after the attention but all eyes are on me
Feel my power, I think I'll let it reign
King of clubs, they'll want me dead
They'll be screaming, "Off with her head"
For the queen of harlots and deranged

I built this kingdom from the ground up
Any guess is what it's made of

Hurl your sticks and cast your stones
I sit higher with each blow
I know something you don't know
Your sticks and stones just forge my throne

Sticks and stones
Sticks and stones

Familiar places on her throne
Built off every insult thrown
Build a castle, build a home
Every traitor overthrown
Hell, there's no fury like me
Don't mess with her majesty
Well-behaved women rarely make
An empire

An empire
An empire

Oh, hurl your sticks and cast your stones (cast your stones)
I sit higher with each blow
I know something you don't know
Your sticks and stones just forge my throne

Sticks and stones
Sticks and stones
(Sticks and stones
Sticks and stones)

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