The Circus Sisters

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Name: Madelaine Martinez

Age: 19

Gender: female

Sexuality: straight

Appearance: shoulder length curly brown hair, emerald green eyes, pale skin, hourglass figure


Personality: mean spirited, intelligent, petty, sarcastic, flirtatious, vindictive, cruel, selfish, competitive, determined, harsh, confident, sassy, aggressive, promiscuous, manipulative, ambitious

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Personality: mean spirited, intelligent, petty, sarcastic, flirtatious, vindictive, cruel, selfish, competitive, determined, harsh, confident, sassy, aggressive, promiscuous, manipulative, ambitious

Family: Amara Martinez (mom), Jamal Martinez (dad), Taylor Martinez (older sister)

Friends: the mean girls

Likes: singing, dancing, attention, presents, having fun, shopping, going out with friends, partying, bullying the other kids in the circus, guys complimenting her, expensive things, respect, control, getting what she wants

Dislikes: not getting attention, being disrespected, anyone underestimating her, people doing better then her, the other circus kids, cheap things, guys asking to split a dinner bill, not getting compliments, people getting in her way, not being able to have fun, being lied to

Crush: your 1st oc

Backstory: Madelaine and her older sister Taylor were born to very talented circus performers.ever since she and her sister were little they always performed in the circus whether it was singing or dancing they always got lots of attention from the audience.when the girls got older Madelaine would often bully the other kids and make fun of them.she would even go as far as purposefully tripping them or spilling something onto them.Madelaine became one of the mean girls in high school along with joining the cheerleading squad.Madelaine enjoyed having attention from guys as well as receiving gifts.she is very high maintenance and won't accept anything cheap.when she goes out to parties she'll look for guys who have money and only hang around them.Madelaine is a very beautiful girl who uses her looks to get what she wants and isn't afraid to hurt those who try to compete with her.

Pets: a pug named Cleopatra

Theme Song:

Bad Little Thing by Noa Kirel

[ Lyrics ]

Don't buy me no ring
See I got my own
Na na na na, na na na na
All the finer things
Dripping head to toe
Na na na na, na na na na
They wanna be me
Or wanna be mine
Na na na na, na na na na
But I just brush em off
Cause I ain't got the time

I'll let you hold me
You don't control me
You want it bad bad bad
Want it bad bad bad
Keeping you waiting
Special occasion
Oh, are you mad mad mad?
Are you mad?

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