Chapter 1

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Third Person's POV
'I'll fix everything, I'll take everything back that was stolen from me!' Was the last thing that rang through one Harriet Juniper Potter-Black-Peverell's mind before her eyes shot open. Harriet gasped loudly, taking in deep breaths before she sat up quickly. Harriet looked around the room that she was currently in. The room was average sized and looked dirty and horrible to say the least. It was Dudley's old second bedroom. Harriet let out a breath before she quickly got up to her feet and went over to the only broken mirror present in the room. Harriet picked up the mirror and looked at her reflection in it. In the mirror, was not a 22 year old war veteran woman, but rather a scrawny 14 year old young girl. Harriet took in a sharp deep breath and put the mirror away before she waved her hand in a simple motion and casted a tempus spell in the air. In bright sparkly green letters, the time and date showed up. 4:00 AM, 31/7/1994. Harriet gave out a slightly shocked yet relieved, and hysterical laugh. Harriet calmed down after a few moments of laughing, and composed herself. "Let's get things started, shall we?" Harriet asked rhetorically to no one in particular. Harriet's lips quirked up into a smirk as she stood in the comforting darkness in the room, the darkness reached out to her and licked at feet as if the darkness was Harriet's pet. Harriet waved her hand and all of the stuff that she had placed under the loose floorboard in the room, came flying out, after the floor board moved out of the way. Harriet picked up a blank parchment and transfigured it into a bag, and also placed a temporary bottomless charm on it to keep her stuff in there for awhile. "The bank should still be open at this time for there more shady type of customers." Harriet murmured to herself, before she transfigured her clothes into traditional wizarding female robes with a hood too. Harriet fastened up the bag to her waist belt and waved both of her arms and her magic encased the whole hellhole -house, with a detection spell for wards. The wards that came into detection were simple magical people repelling wards and apparation detection wards, there were no fucking blood wards, that dumbledore said were protecting Harriet around the house. Harriet took in a deep breath before she waved her hand, a little more aggressively than needed but who cares, and deactivated the wards without a problem and without dumbledore knowing. Harriet then immediately apparated away to be in front of leaky cauldron in the next second.

Harriet pulled the hood up over her head and walked into the inn, not bothering looking at anyone and immediately going up to the alleyway entrance. Harriet then realized that her wand still had the trace after she took it out from her bag and so she spread her magic over the wand, finding the trace over it immediately and removing it quickly. Harriet tapped her wand on the entrance stones before the wall opened and she entered. Harriet went straight to the white marble building. At the door, Harriet paused and nodded her head respectfully to the goblin guards. The guards were shocked but they quickly nodded back in greeting and respect, when they noticed that the lady was not moving forward and was waiting for them to return the gesture before she went inside of the bank. Harriet entered the bank, going to the first free teller in sight. "Greetings master goblin, May your gold forever flow." Harriet spoke respectfully, taking her hood off, but keeping her short forehead hair over her scar. "And may your enemies cower before you in fear. What do you require, Miss?" The goblin teller replied after the initial shock faded away. "I would like to request for an inheritance test and withdraw some money from my vaults afterwards." Harriet replied and the goblin replied in affirmative before he led her to an office for the test. Harriet sat down in the chair in front of the desk while the goblin, named Ragnok as Harriet discovered, sat behind the desk. "Seven drops of blood on the parchment." Ragnok said putting the blank parchment on the table and handed a goblin made dagger to Harriet. Harriet nodded in understanding and picked up the dagger, before she sliced the palm of her hand and let the blood flow out and drop down on the parchment. Harriet healed herself and cleaned up the dagger with a transfigured handkerchief, shocking the goblin yet again, Ragnok was happy that a witch had the respect to clean the dagger rather then just directly tossing it on the table. The parchment glowed green with Harriet's magic which flowed through her blood.

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