Author's Note

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Hello, fellow reader!

Don't read this book if you haven't read the first two books yet, which are A Journey's Link and Adventure's Past.

You can find these on my profile if you are interested. :)

Welcome to the third and final installment of the Journey's Link series.

This book is about the future of each character beyond the events of the first two books.

I hope you'll enjoy each chapter as they explore how each character continues forward after everything that's occurred.

The chapters will be quite long, as I don't want to separate them across too many chapters; each chapter is an exploration of a single character.

I'll be editing in a proper schedule here soon, but for now, I will say that constant chapter uploads should begin in June/July.

For now, enjoy the first chapter that explores Bonnie's exploration as a trainer.

Thanks for being here.

Please enjoy,

Ambition's Future


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