Chapter 1: King Gunthar Perenolde

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(Alterac City, Alterac Duchy, Kingdom of Alterac, Eastern Kingdoms, Azeroth)


Walking amidst the ruins of the Once Great Kingdoms Capital City, Gunthar Perenolde knew his task would be a long and difficult road, and would require him to make Alliances, but the Alliance wanted nothing to do with him, not that he could blame them.

His Grandfather being the man and ruler that he was has ensured the difficulty of his task. That was actually worth discussing, because when it happened, no one cared why he did what he did, something that Gunthar had argued prominently when he got an audience with King Varian.




_''Why should I help the kin of a traitor?'' Varian asked.

''Did you ever actually stop and wonder why my grandfather did what he did? No, you didn't. See my Grandfather was a cowardly traitor, I won't dispute this, but he was also a pragmatist and lived our people. He preferred diplomacy over war... a lesson you seem to have never taken.'' Gunthar counters.

''Careful boy, you may be a King's own blood and indeed a hero of the Alliance, but this is still my Kingdom and your in my castle.'' Says Varian sternly.

''My grandfather betrayed the Alliance when he did for two reasons. One if you actually took a tactical appraisal of the Hunan Kingsoms you'd recognize that Alterac's biggest advantage and disadvantages was its vast ore and mineral deposits, but it was hamstrung by it's size. We were the smallest. Furthermore both my grandfather and my father were prejudiced men, and not just against Orc's. But Reason number two hits this home, we had the Book of Medivh, and the Hordd wanted it. My grandfather gave it to them because he didn't believe that the Alliance was strong enough to beat the Horde at that time, and thus sought a way to protect his citizens.'' Says Gunthar.

''By betraying his allies.'' Says Varian.

''What would you do? Say the Horde had your Kingdom in a stranglehold or near-abouts at least, and the only way to ensure the survival of your family and people was to betray an Ally who up to that point had been on a loosing streak against that very same enemy? What would you be willing to do?'' Asks Gunthar.

''What I would be willing to do is not the point here, so I suggest you get to it.'' Says Varian.

''I'll be rebuilding Alterac. I could use some help.'' Says Gunthar.

''No. I respect your need to see some honor restored to your family and can understand your desire to bring your people back from the brink. But my answer and the Alliance's answer is no.'' Says Varian.

''Shame, but not unexpected. Just remember, I won't forget this when you come to me, and believe me, you will.'' Says Gunthar.

''And why pray tell would that be?'' Asks Varian with a scoff.

''Lady Katrana is much more than she seems, and when her her disguise is broken, and you reveal her for what she is, come find me, and see if I'm as nice then as I am now.'' Says Gunthar.

With his piece said, Gunthar turns his back on King Varian, striding out of the Chamber as he did. There was still one person within Stormwind that might be willing to help him...



Suffice to say no one was willing to help him within Stormwind, mind you that one other guy wasn't a dick about it.

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