Chapter 1621 - 1640

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None of them knew what had happened, but when they came back to their senses, the extremely powerful Silver Spirit pugilist who had still been highly cocky just a moment before suddenly exploded to smithereens. The highly sudden explosion, caused sticky blood and blown up flesh to fly in all directions, immediately turning the people who had been standing close to that Silver Spirit pugilist into completely bloodied men from head to toe!

A powerful Silver Spirit pugilist who held power on par to a Palace Lord of the Twelve Palaces, had actually been turned into ground meat from one lone strike by the little old man? That terrifying scene immediately sent chills running through the bodies of all the dark robed men!

[What kind of terrifying power was this? That it could kill a powerful Silver Spirit in a second?]

A bone biting chill crept into the heart of every single one of them, turning their body temperature almost to zero in an instant

Chapter 1622:- Dangers Under the Dark Night (9)

"Haiz, although this old man would really have liked to receive our "guests" from afar properly, but all of you had to insist on bullying this old man's disciple. With that, this old man would not be so friendly to talk to anymore." The little old man said with a sigh, like he regretted the circumstances very much.

[He dared to call his Little Ya a slut?]

[This entire group of people, no longer had any reason to live anymore.

On that night, a bloody massacre commenced quietly. There was no intense battle, and there wasn't any clashing of spirit powers. Those dark robed men merely saw with their own eyes the little old man slowly take a step forward, and the hunchbacked figure shimmered slightly before their eyes. When that shimmering figure disappeared from sight, they all suddenly felt an aura so powerful they were finding it hard to breathe shrouding every single one of their hearts.

All of a sudden, more than ten dark robed men including the several powerful Silver Spirits had before they could even utter a cry, exploded in an instant, blood and gore spraying everywhere, to stain the moon lit ground red!

The spray of blood and gory flesh rained down in splatters, falling stickily onto the ground in countless loud splats.

The brows of Su Ya and Tian Ze then creased up, as they looked at the little old man who stood with his hands behind his back under that rain of blood.

[That one there was the one person that made both the Twelve Palaces and the Nine Temples have no choice but be wary!]

[Their Master!]

After executing an instantaneous kill of more than ten powerful pugilists, the little old man stepped through a path filled with blood stains and tiny shreds of flesh, to slowly walk towards Su Ya. His face still had that slightly mischievous smile hanging on it, his half narrowed eyes tinged with mirth as he looked dotingly at Su Ya.

"Little Ya, don't be angry anymore. Your Master has avenged you. Come come come, you have not come out of that wine cellar for a long time. On this rare occasion that you came out today, will you accompany your Master for a drink or two?"

Having just brewed a storm of blood filled massacre, the little old man had in the next instant reverted back to become a smiley and playful old man, extending an invitation to drink with his own disciple.

However, Su Ya merely looked at the little old man's smiling face and her lips stiffened for a while before she finally said.

"Better not, I'm tired." After saying that, Su Ya turned to leave, unwilling to speak with the little old man any longer.

Genius Doctor: Black Belly MissTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon