Chapter 1561 - 1580

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The youths from the Blood Fiend Palace had no way of defying Gu Xin Yan's orders and the situation became one that tied the Blood Fiend Palace together with Jun Wu.

With Gu Xin Yan frequently appearing together with Jun Wu before everyone's eyes, the eyes of the disciples from the other palaces became strange.

The Blood Fiend Palace had worked hard to build up an illusion that they were all out to defend Jun Wu before this and now that Gu Xin Yan was seen to be getting close to Jun Wu, it made everyone believe what their eyes were seeing.

Now when they were all cursing Jun Wu, the Blood Fiend Palace was also dragged into their admonishments.

And would the youths from the Blood Fiend Palaces be able to tolerate being pointed in their noses and be chided by all the others?

Suddenly, not only did Jun Wu Xie's situation not improve, but the Blood Fiend Palace had even been dragged into the mud together and was being besieged on all sides by people from the other eleven palaces.

Chapter 1562:- Let's Have a Good Game (2)

Such a situation, was something that Lin Hao Yu would not have even dreamed of.

Gu Xin Yan became closer and closer to Jun Wu Xie and the two of them would get together almost everyday to study Spirit Reinforcement. Jun Wu Xie did not speak much and she usually took action most of the time instead of using words to express herself. in the initial stages, Gu Xin Yan would still try to say a few words to Jun Wu Xie, but as time went by, it might be due to her being influenced by Jun Wu Xie as Gu Xin Yan also subconsciously chose to be silent like Jun Wu Xie.

With the kind of silence they so often were in when they met, Gu Xin Yan gradually came to accept that as the norm, to the extent that she became highly comfortable with it.

Although Gu Xin Yan was the Young Miss of the Blood Fiend Palace and had already long been used to using deception to face all kinds of matters, but what could not be denied was that she was in the end still just a young teenage girl and her base nature allowed her to enjoy such a simple and uncomplicated way of interacting with someone else.

Afterall, nobody would be happy having to live everyday, constantly being wary and scheming.

On this day, Gu Xin Yan and Jun Wu Xie met to study the use of several types of Spirit Reinforcement. The more Gu Xin Yan understood Spirit Reinforcement, the more she became unwilling to give up on Jun Wu. Spirit Reinforcement became too important. But at the same time, she also understood that the use of Spirit Reinforcement was not without its limits. Regardless of the time those effects lasted, or the number of times it was used, they all caused a huge drain on Jun Wu.

Hence, everytime Jun Wu Xie said to stop, Gu Xin Yan would not raise any objections.

But of course what Gu Xin Yan did not know, was the exhaustion that Jun Wu showed everyday, could in reality be a pretence that Jun Wu Xie put forth.

Back before she had come to the Middle Realm, Jun Wu Xie had still not been able to grasp the kind of drain Spirit Reinforcement took on her. But over this period of time, with her having been made to immerse herself within the wine pool, Jun Wu Xie came to discover that when she used Spirit Reinforcement, the drain upon her body had reduced quite significantly. The powers that could only sustain one use of Spirit Reinforcement in the past could now support three, which was a change that surprised Jun Wu Xie rather much.

It became clear to see that Su Ya's way of cultivation training had not gone to waste on her.

"Jun Wu, do you want to rest for a while?" Gu Xin Yan said, looking at Jun Wu's slightly pale countenance, and could not help but asked worriedly.

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