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It was a pleasant afternoon in the garden.

The blazing golden rays of the afternoon sun bathe the wide spread of nature in a beautiful honey glow. Flowers shined brightly, blowing in the calming wind as if dancing to their own tune. The trees also blew to the wind's alluring dance as well, their leaves already turning from their luscious greens. To fiery reds, chocolate browns, and mustard yellows.

The ponds and fountains glistened in the sun's light, for the water would be so clear one would think diamonds were pouring in the fountain's perfectly sculptured basin. While swans danced their own ballet in the pond. White feathers flowing gracefully on the water's surface, never once missing a beat.

Beautifully craved statues of Angels, nymphs, and other beings were placed in the magnificent space. Angels would either be playing their gracious golden harps or blowing their trumpets displaying grace and victory. While the other statues displayed joy over most things. And the sun highlighted it all.

Yes, everything was indeed lovely in the golden afternoon.

But, not many were feeling the love of the sun's calming rays or listen to the tune of the flowers. The calm breeze felt more like a freezing chill more than anything even though it was nearing Autumn. You couldn't help but notice a certain bite in the air.

A sense of never ending sorrow and loneliness.

The crunching of boots filled the silent garden. Heavy and full of authority, but elegant and light enough not to sound like a total barbarian.

Soon enough a man entered the grassy marvelous area.

He walked in confidence and dignity, that it almost seemed as if the plants would stop moving at the sight of him.

The said man wore a navy blue trench coat that securely buttoned and belt tightened but loosely fashioned around his mid-section. Dark casual pants covered his toned legs, while onyx ankle boots adorned his feet.

His cold ice piercing eyes looked only ahead of him, focusing on the path before him. His gaze never once drifted, nor did his face show any expression. Not even when the cold air bit at his face. Blowing his hair and strands of his beard along.

He kept walking.

Despite the image of focus and rapt attention, the man's mind was indeed elsewhere.

Reminiscing on memories of the past. A life that was once his own. A life that he has lost.

To him, those memories were like his renaissance. Elaborate paintings and beautifully woven tapestries replayed the moments in pastel watercolors and colorful thread. To him these works of delicate art was woven and masterfully painted by father time himself. Allowing only him to marvel at the works in his very own private museum.

Although, the memories given to him brought great joy. It also brought him even greater sorrow.

For as he walked the endless path, his mind wouldn't let him forget the golden times. The memories of endless laughter. The memories of chiming bells. The memories of painfilled tears. To the memory of welcoming a first life.

As much as the golden days brought him to smile. It also brought tears to his eyes. For now his tapestries have now started tear, the tightly woven threads have now loosened and began to stick out unevenly. The paintings have now started to fade over night, the colors turning a sickening shade of grey.

Stopping in the center of the path, he turns his gaze to the sky, the afternoon sun was still shining brightly as if not understanding his inner turmoil. It still sparkled over the plants and glistened over the water. It still highlighted the golden harps and trumpets of the angels in all their splendor. It still casting the garden in a golden light.

Closing his eyes he had prayed endlessly if he could be with both again. See them laugh and join their joy. See them both cry and comfort them both in whatever it was, even if the situation was or might be utterly ridiculous. He wanted to be there for everything. But now he couldn't.

But oh how he would wish it would be.

He knows what happened to her, but wished he could be with the gift she left for him. A precious thing that they made.

Unfortunately, the time was not yet right.

The man sighed eyes still closed, "If you are listening out there God." He began to pray with every ounce of hope and desperation in his voice. "Let me reunite with them, I do not want to be alone anymore. She needs me, they both need me. Please do not let me continue this life without them." Tears were now starting their journey down his face and disappearing in his dark brown beard. "Please", he whispered the last part of his prayer.

He opened his eyes feeling his prayer leave on the wind and towards the heavens, disappearing beyond the distant clouds.

He sighed once again letting his body sag a little. Wiping his eyes he straitened and was about to continue, until he heard the approaching footsteps. Instead of his calm ones these were fast and had a sense of urgency.

Turning around he saw a man running towards him. He wore a uniform jacket that was a deep dark blue with white dress pants and black boots, and on his head was a decorative cap with special seal on it.

The man came to a stop in front of him. Out of breath but still containing composure.

He raised an eyebrow at the man looking at him up and down, "Speak."

The man stood at attention, legs planted and arms at the side. "Sir, I am officer Montgomery and came to deliver a message sir."

He hummed at the man, now known as Montgomery. "And what is so important in this message that you came here in a rush to me?"

Montgomery quickly and carefully reached inside his jacket's breast pocket to retrieve the letter. Once he took it out he hand the parchment to him.

He took the letter and noticed the wax seal. Breaking the seal he opened the letter and read, eyes consistently darting across the page.

His expression was stoic, but then turn into confusion that quickly turned into disbelief and then soon hope.

"Is this real?" He had asked the man, Montgomery nodded his head in conformation. "Yes sir, it was sir Ludovic who confirmed the letters' contents before he had to leave for an errand." 

He looked down at the letter and then the sky. Whispering a 'thank you', he turned back to the man. "I want you to tell me everything once we get back to my office."

He then hurried past Montgomery and made a steady and quick pace back inside.

'Finally', he had thought. 'We are finally going to meet again my little moon and stars.'


Ok everyone what do you think of the prologue? Was it good? Was it Bad? Should I change somethings? You guys tell me. Now I want to make one thing clear because of college right now I can't update like I want to or give you guys enough content either way though I will try and work on my fanfictions more in the summer. Well, if you liked this chapter I am glad. Be prepared for the next chapter. See you guys next time.

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