Aprils obviously a very good wing(wo)man

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sorry its been a while since I last updated 

Donnie's POV:

I just got back from giving Leo his medicine. As usual, I sit myself down at my desk and start brainstorming on new inventions, when suddenly April walks into the barn.

"Hey Donnie! Are you free right now?"

"Oh, yeah, I was just brainstorming ideas, What's up?"

"Ohhhh nothing, I just wanted to hang out with you!"


April takes a seat in the extra chair nearby and rolls herself near to my desk

"Sooo... Wanna play 21 questions?"

"That bored, huh?"

I'm assuming April took that as a yes, because she immediately started asked me questions

"So, what's your favorite color?"


"Who's your crush?"

"I dunno"

"That's not an answer" April whined 

"I don't think this is how you play 21 questions"

"Nevermind that, Next question"

I roll my eyes, What exactly are April's intentions right now?

"What do you think Casey Jones? Do you think he's cute?"

My face flushes a bit, and I look away. However, I don't exactly know why.

April noticed my reaction, And a huge smile was plastered on her face

"Oh my god! Do you like Casey?!"

"No! I don't think so- I don't know! No!"

"Oh my godddd!! You totally do! I knew it!"


What's happening? I've never thought of Jones like this before. Although, Now that I think about it, I always thought his tooth gap was pretty cu- Wait what.

Then April pulled me out of my thoughts with her when she spoke 

"Ok, What's your sexuality?"

"I like to think I'm bisexual" 

"Do you like Casey Jones?"


"Sorry sorry" April muttered out while giggling, While trying to hide the fact that she was giggling 

She asked me a a few more questions, then insisted that she lets me brainstorm on my inventions again.

She then ran out of her chair, tripped and ate shit, Then ran towards the exit and smacked her face on the barn door and fell on her ass. I was trying not to chuckle, But I think she could sense it, Because I bet even Leo could hear me ugly laughing from inside the house.

But I couldn't help but wonder, why she was in such a rush?

But I also couldn't get Jones out of my mind, And I start to wonder, Did I think of Jones that way?

Then I realized





'Holy shit I might...'

April's POV: 

"CASEY! CASEY!" I huffed out, I was so out of breath

"What! What's wrong?!" Casey responded, panicked by how out of breath I was





"Well, he's bi, but when I asked him what he thought about you he started blushing!"

Casey's face started glowing  

"And not, like,  nervous blushing! He was blushing like how I blush when I see Rhea Ridley!" (me to April)

Casey was just smiling


really                                                             (That's what she said)


"Did he say how he felt about me? I don't wanna get the wrong idea about it incase he doesn't really feel like that"

"No, he didn't, But there's literally no way he thinks of you as just a friend."

Casey wasn't smiling as hard, but he was still smiling, obviously he was extremely excited about the fact that the boy he's been hardcore crushing on may like him back.

To be continued bc I ran out of motivation 

Pls let me know how this chapter was, What you'd like to see happen, or what I can improve, I appreciate any advise or commentary 

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Mar 31, 2023 ⏰

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