Days Gone By

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Grace's POV

It was Friday, May 29th and we were trying to book gigs. But no one seemed to want us. Canada sucked.

We felt so unwanted.

"Maybe we will never make it...." Jessica's eyes teared up, threatening to release some tears.

"We will, Jess. I promise you." I smiled. We were going to make it. This was our biggest dream, and we were not going to give up on it just yet.

"I agree. If we try our hardest, people will see that. Hell, maybe we will become one of the most famous bands in the world!" Yasmin smiled.

I could imagine it. After all, we put so much time and effort into this band.

I knew we were going to make it, and that was a fact.

We went to practise, uploading our videos on Instagram. Everyone seems to love it, but then why weren't we getting famous?

That's a question that I'll never find out I guess.

3rd person POV

The girls got tons of likes on their videos plus tons of positive comments on them too.

They never understood.

They wanted this so badly, but no one was helping.

Days went by.

Still no luck. They practised and practised, but nobody noticed. They were all very patient.

One Saturday afternoon, the girls were sitting in Yasmin's living room, on the couch and the floor.

It was a hot day, and they were extremely bored.

"Guys, we need to run away...." Jessica looked at the girls, but they had confused faces on.

"Run away? That's a crazy idea." Grace shook her head.

"Yeah. We can't just run away.." Yasmin added.

"We need too... Pack your bags... We are leaving tomorrow..." Jessica jumped up.

Little did they know, Jessica was already. She's always kept her bags packed, incase something like this happened.

Then the girls rushed home to pack and gather everything together.

They met at Jessica's house.

Knowing it was their last night in this town kinda made them sad. They have been friends ever since they were 6 years old.

They had so many memories in this place.

But sometimes you have to say goodbye....

The girls all slept on the floor, even though it wasn't comfortable, they just passed out there.

Jessica woke up at 5am.

"Guys we have to go now." She said, shaking the other two girls.

"Ugh!" Yasmin complained, opening her eyes.

Grace just threw a pillow at her.

"Hey! What was that for?" Jessica pouted.

"For waking me up!" Grace glared.

They grabbed some food, and took all the money they had. Debit cards, and money from their bank accounts.

These girls had quite a lot of money.

They hopped on a bus.

Leading their way out of their city.

Their families had no clue where they went after that,

Until one day.

Yasmin's POV

"We would like to tell you guys something." The 5sos boys were making an Instagram video.

"We've been on Instagram lately and we've been searching for a new band to sign up to our record label." Michael said, before the camera cut off.

The girls and I were staying in a hotel in New York City. We still haven't made it big.

Then all of a sudden, I got 1K Instagram followers.

What the hell?

I checked the followers. It was all 5sos fan accounts. What the fuck? Seriously, I had no clue what was going on.

Then I saw Jessica run in practically crying with Grace.

"5SOS SIGNED US UP FOR A RECORD LABEL!" Jessica cried out, while viewing the 2nd video the 5sos boys posted.

"So we'd like to sign up Stars Need Darkness." Luke smiled into the camera.

"They are a really awesome band. They put their time and hearts into their music, and we are going to go on tour with them. The whole world tour. You'll love them." Ashton smiled.

"They are amazing!" The other boys agreed.

We all started cheering!! Then, we got a follow from the boys! It was awesome.

Grace then got a phone call, and put it on speaker.

"Hello girls." An Austrian accent came out of the phone. It was Calum. Calum was so hot.... I really loved him.

"Hello!" Jessica said, with her Canadian accent.

"Well you guys probably heard the news," Luke started, "and we were wondering if you would meet us in Boston. At 'Cafe Rouge' coffee shop."

"We would love to come.... Well we will try anyways. I still can't believe what you guys did for us-" I was cut off by Jessica.

"This is my dream and I love you guys so much!" Jessica yelled in the phone.

How rude! Does she not know that she shouldn't cut people off like that?!

After talking to the boys we had to pack again.

We were going to meet the 5sos boys in a coffee shop tomorrow at 5.

I still couldn't believe what was happening.

It felt like it was all a dream....

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