ᴄʜᴀᴘᴛᴇʀ 𝟷𝟻

Start from the beginning

Can you really do this?

Can you be the hero Japan needs?

The world needs?

You're just a tired kid with a shitty sleep schedule who eats mac n cheese for breakfast, and yet you are put on a pedestal for your selflessness. When is someone going to save you?

Even heroes need a break.

But, not Phantom. Phantom is an extraordinary hero with limitless potential and power to save others. The last time you took a day long break, the media was all over your ass about where you were and why you weren't out saving people. You have set yourself up with expectations too high to reach. The weight of Japan's eyes has made it hard to sleep even when you have time to.

When will you get to sleep?

When will you be able to rest easy again?


Date: December 12, XXXX
Time: 5:47 p.m.
Location: UA Height's Alliance

The smell of spices and freshly baked bread flood your senses the moment you walk into the Class 2-A Heights Alliance, covered in dirt and sweat from your patrol. Stumbling like a single celled zombie towards the kitchen, you are met with the lovely sight of your boyfriend hovering over the stove with a determined look on his pale face. Strands of ash blond hair fall over his eyes, casting shadows over his adorable cheeks that you enjoy squishing when you want to annoy him. A smile instantly overcomes your features as you teleport to stand right behind the ash blond and wrap your arms around his waist.

Katsuki instantly recoils at the sudden affection, being so concentrated on the food in front of him that he didn't hear you come in the front door. But, as soon as he catches the sight of messy (h/c) hair in the corner of his eye, he relaxes into your hold.

"Welcome back, Shrimpy," The blond grumbles under his breath so none of your classmates hear, glaring at the skillet as he resumes his previous task.

"Hello, househusband. What have you made for me tonight?" You tease, pinching Katsuki's sides before leaping back as he swivels around to glare at your dirty form.

"What did I tell you about calling me that?"

"What did I tell you about calling me, Shrimpy?"

Now locked in a heated staring contest, one gaze full of frustration while the other remains playful, you smirk triumphantly at your boyfriend. The room falls into silence except for the distant sound of laughter from the common room and the skillet popping.

"Sooooo, what did you make me?"

"Fucking friend rice and rolled omelettes. There's also extra for your lunch tomorrow," Katsuki grumbles while glaring daggers into your soul while you smile lovingly at him. Anybody who makes you food is automatically on your good side, one of the many reasons you love your gremlin of a boyfriend.

You sneak up behind the concentrated blond, pressing a quick kiss to his cheek before escaping to the exit of the kitchen. "Thanks, Katsuki. I'm going to change, then we'll sit down to eat together," You call behind you, waving a hand as if to say 'be right back'. Earning half-hearted mumbling from the male, you resume your journey with a smile.

Nothing makes you happier than getting to spend time with your favorite people.

Especially if there is food involved.


Date: May 8, XXXX
Time: 10:14 a.m.
Location: Southern Tokyo

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