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"What can we do for you, Heart?" Winter held him around his shoulders. Summer came and sat down beside him, not bothered by the dead man behind her. He felt like a wreck. Judging by Winter's face, he looked like one, too.

"Erhart what can we do, can we make this better?" Summer spoke in a whisper, looking above his head, to Winter. Look like she was trying real hard to be something she wasn't, the quiet, reassuring type. That felt like more of her brother role. If she could try, then so could he. Erhart sat up, with help from the twins, their hands entwined in his.

"I want to go home," Erhart spoke from his heart, he wanted his bed, he wanted his dad; he wanted his normal. "I want to go home." Erhart looked up and between the siblings. "Don't suppose you have a spare car, or know what to do with a dead body?" Erhart had killed a man, who knew how long it would be before he saw his home again? Would he go to jail? Erhart shivered at the thought.

"Leave the body to me!" Summer stood up faster than he could keep track with his eyes.

"We Kirin's can fly. It'll be faster that way." Winter stood up, much slower than his sister. Taking him up with him, but helping him stay on his own feet. A nice change of habit.

"Kirin?" Erhart asked about the unfamiliar word.

"Yes, we Kirin's, my sister and I." Winter gave a smile that didn't reach his eyes. "We'll get you home, and talk. If you still want us around." Winter never turned away from his gaze, but his words hurt him.

"Why wouldn't I want you around?" Erhart demanded with a horse voice. "You are the best part of this unwanted trip!" Erhart wouldn't have him bad-mouthing himself or his kind. "Kirin's their kind of cool, you know?" Erhart smiled, or tried to, his lips gave out on him on one side.

"Cabin in the woods, outside of Coven Tides?" Winter asked, Erhart nodded, and Winter gave him a big smile. "Consider yourself there."

"What about me?" Summer cried out, wedging herself between them. Winter smiled at her, and pointed to Leonhard's body. "But..." Summer looked to him. Erhart was tired, and well, he didn't want to go to prison. Looking at Leonhard's body, he quickly turned his head away.

"You volunteered," Erhart pointed out, trying out standing without Winter's aid. He was doing a fair job, everything considered. Just don't look at the body, don't look!

"It'll take you a few minutes, catch up." Winter told her and waved her off with his hand, the funny part. She listened, glaring at him, she turned looking like a dejected puppy. "Come on, you don't need to see this." Winter took him by the shoulder, turning and leading him towards the exit. At the exit, Winter took a step back from him. "One moment." Once again the light came, and Erhart turned away, for he wouldn't go blind.

"You really are beautiful," Erhart said, looking at him in his... Kirin form. Erhart couldn't think of any other word. "Can I touch you?" Erhart reached out his hand, hesitating. Winter brought down his head and rubbed his head down his hand and up his arm. "Your mane is so soft." Erhart whispered, fearing if he spoke louder, he would break the moment. He really needed this moment too. Running his hand along his neck. The scales felt softer than anything he ever touched, even Winter's mane.

"How will this get me home?" Erhart asked, breaking away while he had the will. Winter got a gleam in his eyes, in an instant, he felt the similarity between him and his sister. "What are you doing?!" The last part ended with a scream, when turned around him and ducked his head between his legs. Lifting him up to slid down his neck and onto his back. Once there, Erhart grabbed onto Winter's mane for dear life. Laying down on him more than riding him like you would a horse. Which would make more sense, but to hell with that logic, he was not willingly taking to participate in this plan!

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