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"Do you remember your cave?" His dad was growling, his eyes pure black, while he rode the beast inside of him. Erhart did remember his cave, it was by a small little pond surrounded by towering trees. Nestled in the rock side wall, right of the pond, was a tiny cave. He used to pretend to be a bearskin inside it, he had even made cave paintings inside. His dad fished at the pond, they ate in front of his little cave. That was back when his health attacks only lasted a few hours a week. Erhart nodded, a faint smile on his lips, those were good times.

"We're going there," his dad's skin was turning white, and brilliant white fur was starting to cover his face. Looking down at his dad's arms, he saw the same transformations from skin to fur. Underneath his legs, and back, he felt his dad's arms get thicker and stronger. He also heard the telltale ripping sound, that sounded a lot like tearing denim, yet wetter. Erhart knew without looking; it was a lot bloodier. Erhart winced, that had to damn right hurt, his dad didn't go into his half-form for any trivial reason.

"Once there," Erhart stomach lurch when his dad took a sharp right as he spoke. "You hide, and don't come out for anyone but me." His dad's claws dug into the side of his legs, enough to pinch. Looking up at his dad's new head, his white fur was the only similarity to a polar bear. His short face, and broad muzzle, reminded Erhart of a bulldog.

"Hang on," bones snap with a sound like cracking corn. Erhart's view rose up while his dad managed two double his height, and still keep a form hold on him. "Close your eyes," already struggling to see with the pickup in speed. Erhart closed his eyes, and prey to whatever being would listen that they were going to be okay.

"Open them," His dad said, Erhart opened them with a pant, he felt worn, spread thin. All he had done was hold on, and he had helped with even that task. His dad couldn't fit in the small cave, but his arms stretched in enough to place him inside. Even in half form, his dad tucked the remanding blanket around him. A practice that didn't even need him to see inside the cave. The entrance was round above and narrow below, was far more spacious inside. His father could fit, if he could get inside.

"You can't" Erhart panted, "you, can't get in here, can you?" Erhart grabbed his dad's furry arm. Damn it, why, why was he so useless? His large paw came over and rested on Erhart's hands. The pads of his paws were tender and soft, not what he would imagine.

"I need to deal with the Doden's." Erhart heard shuffling, and he imagined it hurt his dad to do so. Still, his dad stuck his head by the cave entrances; without moving his paws. Large black eyes looked at him, he could see his own pale reflection starting it back. "I'll come back for you. I always come back for you, my prince." Tears glossed his dad's eyes, his dad never cried.

"Dad," tears cloaked his vision, and cause his throat to swell with grief. This was bad, there was no space to even pretend otherwise. "You're rising a flag here," Erhart tried to joke. Tried to do... anything.

"I love you, my son." A paw came up and rub his cheek. Erhart leaned into it, he had to see him again; he had too. A howl rose up from behind his dad.

"I love you too," Erhart said, his held onto his dad's paw until the last possible moment. His dad was gone, his hard heavy thumbs running away from him this time. No matter how he wished otherwise. Panting, and crying, Erhart grab his blanket that smelled like home, he curled into a ball. Wondering what in the world he was supposed to do. Dad would be okay, no one was stronger. Dad would be okay.

His head spun, and he twitched with every noise. Outside, the howl that had set his dad running. He had heard nothing, but the wind picking up leaves and pine needles; before setting them back down again. No birds, no bugs, no nothing. Erhart's eyelids sunk down, tired from all his tears. Rotten health wore Erhart's mind down, dissipating his thoughts into absolute nothing.

"Gah!" Erhart woke up in a panic, his chest burned. Grabbing at his chest, but nothing was stopping this pain. Worse than joint pain, and way worse than anything he felt before. Erhart couldn't stop the panic that was blooming in his mind. Erhart scratched at his chest, he wanted to beg it to stop, but his mouth wouldn't form words. His lips couldn't even form a scream. Moments later he lost feeling in his arms, the cave; which had grown dark when he passed out; was black. He could see nothing, but his head was spinning. He could feel the space he was in tilt out of balance.

Heavy steps, were those sounds heavy steps? Erhart swore he heard his dad coming. His body was cold from the marrow of his bones and out, but that was okay. His dad was coming, Erhart's hand fell from his chest. The world was spinning faster, and faster. One thought anchored him the tiniest bit, it was that his dad was coming.

Erhart felt so disconnected to his body. His turning body would have made him vomit, he didn't feel like he had. Erhart could be laying in a pool of his own vomit right then, he wouldn't know. Not the best way to see his dad... With the world spinning out of control. His body shutting down; the pain was fading; like everything else. He was gone. 

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