Steve and Scottie

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"Couldn't this Russian spy be anyone?"

"No, Steve! Think briefcase, excessively long hair, someone who looks like he wants to kill you!"

"Say no more, I think we got him. There," Steve raised Dustin's binoculars higher and pointed to a suspicious, stern-faced, long blond-haired man carrying an overly large, black duffel bag.

Dustin snatched the binoculars from him immediately.

"You're gonna give up our position, you doofus!"

"Where's he headed?"

"Second level, near the Chinese restaurant."

"Lemme see," Steve snatched the binoculars back but they had gone out of focus. "Shoot, I lost him!" The position of the presumed Russian mobster was taken over by a girl walking out of the The Gab, dressed in a neon patterned romper with a bucket hat, sunglasses, and feather boa. "Glamour Shots..." Steve whispered.

"What? He's heading towards Glamour Shots?! C'mon we gotta go!" Dustin piped up, jumping from his spot and tugging Steve's arm.

"No, no, no, Glamour Shots. I see her here all the time going into the Glamour Shots studio so that's what I call her. She always gets a U.S.S. Butterscotch after and sits at the corner booth closest to the right side window," Steve rambled, his binoculars following her every move.

"Steeeeve! You're seriously girl stalking right now?! Do you realise that the safety of this mall is dependent upon whether or not we catch this Russian?!" Dustin whined, doing grabby hands for his binoculars, but Steve wacked his arm out of the way. 

"I never said I was stalking her! Oh shoot, she's heading directly towards Scoops and Robin just got off. Yeah, why don't you go find that Russian again and I'll just be...scooping?" With that he handed Dustin his binoculars, patted him on the back and rushed back to his station just as this so named  'Glamour Shots' girl was about to enter.

"STEVE!" Dustin shouted, running behind the Scoops counter after him.

"Here, put on an apron, act intelligent," Steve urged, throwing Robin's spare apron and badge on him upside-down.

"I am intelligent, not Robin!" Dustin grumbled, flipping his badge around and unwillingly letting Steve squish a sailor hat over his jumbled curls.

Once 'Glamour Shots' approached the counter, Dustin forced a wide, toothy grin with his hands behind his back and Steve did some tricks with his scooper.

"Oh, ahoy! Didn't see you there! Are you ready to set sail on an ocean of flavours with me? Or could I interest you in a U.S.S. Butterscotch? I'll be your captain, I'm Steve Harrington," he sheepishly took off his hat and held out his hand, mustering a wink.

"I've met you before..." the girl laughed, nevertheless shaking his hand.

"Smooooooth," Dustin teased and Steve elbowed him.

"Uh yeah, you're right, you're Glamour Shots, I-I mean, what the heck am I saying. I don't think I know your actual name."

"No worries, it's Scottie, and I'll take your offer on the U.S.S. Butterscotch."

"Got it."

"And your phone number," she added.

"So one U.S.S. Butterscotch, my number which included the Saturday night smoking hot date with Steve 'The Hair' Harrington package, looks like that's all on me, sweetheart," Steve spoke in a deeper, more suave tone.

"Thanks, gosh I can't wait!"

"It's like they say, Scoops is where dreams come true," Steve managed yet another wink.

"I'm pretty sure only you say that," Dustin intervened.

"Shut up, Robin!"

"I'm not Robin!"

"What are you talking about?" Steve laughed while Dustin pouted then turned to Scottie, "What is he talking about? Children, am I right?"

"I didn't know you could be twelve to work here!" Scottie exclaimed.

"I am NOT twelve!" Dustin raged.

"Oh, watch it Curly, or I'll tell the boss you were hostile to a customer. Hurry up on that U.S.S. Butterscotch!" Steve chastised.


Once Dustin begrudgingly handed Scottie her ice cream and she sat down at the booth Steve predicted she would sit at, Steve and Dustin squealed, jumping up and down together like fan girls. 

"I can't believe it, a girl asked me for my number!"

Steve's face dripped with a mixture of sweat and happy tears.

"Yeah and she's gonna steal you from me and you're gonna get married and I'm gonna be a bum on the street without your guidance and you're gonna have those six little nuggets you always talk about and I'm gonna be neglected!" Dustin retorted.

"You bet, Henderson, you bet" Steve nodded, but Dustin's words never registered in his brain. He was too lovesick staring at the mysterious neon girl in his store. 

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