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The bright sun hanging in the baby blue sky, any presence of the clouds seemed non-existent then.

Piercing rays from the sun alone, highlight every person's skin tone ranging from slightly tan to richness of melanated skin.

Waves crashed against the soft golden brown sand melting away so easily.

Colorful umbrellas create shade from the intense heat on a Summer day.

"God, it's so hot," Mikayla said. "Can we go back to the beach house?" fanning herself with her hands, barely creating wind to bring her body temperature down.

"Really?! Mikayla we just got here." I said,  "I don't wanna hear any complaints coming from you."

My right hand shielded my eyes from the sun, squinting them trying to get a better view of her.

The deep blue and white striped bikini dressed her noticeable curves, while water droplets were glistening under the sun's reflection.

Being preoccupied, not realizing two shadowy figures getting themselves up to no good.

Justin and Ezra's hands gripped the bucket tightly, while their veins made an appearance through a layer of their skin.

The splash of the cold water landed on my skin, sending me into a state of shock than any signs of relief.

A series of chills going through my body, goosebumps making tiny hairs on my body raise.

Justin and Ezra wore satisfying grins on their faces like having done the best prank of all time.

"Seriously?!"I announced, "I can't believe you two assholes come back or you'll both be sorry."

"Shit," Justin mumbled under his breath, his eyes displaying true horror and fear inside himself.

"C'mon Justin we need to move before she comes after the both of us" replied Ezra tugging at the sleeve of Justin's t-shirt.

I swear to God if this guy doesn't move his ass, I'm leaving him behind to face her unruly wrath.

The sun's shadow followed me and those two troublemakers.

My heartbeat kept thumping with the fast pace of sprinting and weaving through crowds of people.

Which made me lose some momentum quickly, and my body grew weak having a quick sprint with the scorching sand beneath my feet.

Panting heavily, my mouth felt a bit dry while beads of sweat crowded my brow.

"Were you able to find them yet?" asked Mikayla her rounded glasses scanning the crowd while handing me a cold bottle of water.

Taking a few sips of water made my body and heartbeat go back to their regular pace.

"No, I swear to god I'm gonna kill them both" I commented crossing my arms and breathing out a sigh of frustration.

          C O M I N G  S O O N  J ULY 2023!

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