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It's been hours since Bakht-un-Nisaa went into labour. It was her third pregnancy and the babe had decided to grace the world early. She had been pushing for a few hours and the midwive had informed that it had started crowning.

"Bakht meri jaan (my darling) just a little more" encouraged Mariam the princess's favoured lady in waiting. Bakht-un-Nisaa gave out a loud cry pushing with all her might.

The room was filled with cries of an infant. Maids rushed to clean the infant, while the midwives guided Bakht-un-Nisaa through the afterbirth. Mariam took the now clean infant in her arms and inspected the baby,"A girl Bakht just like you desired!", exclaimed a joyful Mariam

The mother cracked a tearful smile,"Give her to me, let me see her", Bakht exclaimed. She had longedr a daughter ever since she found out she was pregnant for the first time. After two sons now Khuda has finally blessed her with a daughter.

She took the infant in her hands. She was small, smaller than her brothers, having born at her eighth month. The infant was red crying her lungs out, with patches of dark hair. She was beautiful in her eyes. "Nadia, my Nadia", the mother muttered softly. This girl, her daughter, who resembled her mother, would be the light of her life, her hope in the darkest of days, her Nadia.

The girl was an epitome of beauty, born to enchant men and change the fate of the Mughalia Sultanate. She would be known for her beauty and her schemes, she who would later come to be known as Nikhaar-un-Nissa.

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Nikhaar-un-NissaThe shine among women

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The shine among women


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