"Hello?" The voice on the other end is muffled and breaking out at times, but I know Heyward's voice well enough to know that it's his. Sarah speaks up after a second or two, and we let her- the other three of us watching her carefully.

"Oh, god. Thank you so much for picking up Heyward."


"Uh, yeah. Yeah, this is Sarah. I'm with Kie, and Cleo, and JJ. We, um- we're at some-"

"Wait, where's John B. and Pope? Where are the boys?"

"Heyward I'm sorry, it's just really too long of a story. I promise they're fine and they'll be back soom but they aren't with us right now. We just need someone to get here to get us home, and you're our best bet."

"This is just a lot to take in. Sarah, where are you guys?"

"Um, I don't- I don't know- we-"

"Somewhere in South America, sir, that's really the best we can do."

"JJ, son, I can help but I really need a little bit more than that. Do you have a street name or something?"

"Oh, yeah, um- Kie and Cleo can you guys go find a street name?" The girls leave without question and I'm left with Sarah and Heyward over the phone.

"Okay, Heyward this is going to be a little difficult but I need you to listen and act fast." Sarah starts to explain a plan to Heyward, and though I don't know where she's going with it, I trust her.

"Fast? How fast?"

"Like, 'move as I say' fast, okay?"

"Yeah- yeah I guess so."

"Okay, so three blocks from my house is the house where one of my family's pilots lives, okay? Its a smaller, blue house with stairs leading to the door. The sutters are white, and there's a giant oak tree in front of it. I need you to find that house and knock on the door." Sounds of a car door shutting and an ignition starting are heard from the other side. Heyward buckles his seatbelt and Sarah and I hear the car drive off. "Once you're at the house, a man with tattoos should open the door. Tell him you need a plane for the next hour- to South America. We have a code-word- god what is it?" The girl thinks to herself, and I can tell she's absolutely beating herself up for not being able to remeber it.

"Hey, Sarah, it's okay. Take your time. I got about 20 minutes before I get there." This doesn't calm Sarah down at all, and I can see the tears forming behind her eyes. I place a hand on her back and comfortingly rub it.

"Um- I think it's- I think it's sail. Yeah, yeah- sail."

"Sail, alright. And I- I just gotta use the word in a sentence, yeah?"

"Yeah. Just ask him for a plane and then use the word in a sentence. He should get it to you right away. Say it's for my da- say it's for Ward, and- and that it's important." As Sarah finishes speaking, Kie and Cleo run back into the store.

"St. Manuel. The street is St. Manuel."

"Okay, yeah- got it. I'll be there. I'll be there as soon as I can. I love you guys." We go to speak back to him, but he hangs up before we get the opportunity to do so. I look up to the Cleo and Kie with a grateful look, but my gaze is brought back down when I hear a cry leave Sarah's lips. I look quickly back up at the brown-haired girls with a hopeless look before scooting closer to Sarah and wrapping my arms around her. Her cries get heavier and deeper, her body shaking in my embrace. Usually I would avoid all other femal contact when around Kie, but we both know this is differnt. Sarah's like my sister- we're blood.

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