Chapter 5 

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TW: Jungkook's final moments with the vampire coven is discussed, please proceed carefuly

Every single thing that happened within the borders of Seoul went through Seokjin at one point or another. It was how the system was built, it was how the system was run. Not even a single fly could pass without Seokjin knowing about it. It had to go through him.

It did not matter if it was affairs of humans or vampires, Seokjin knew about it. It could be a council meeting, it could be a feud between covens. Seokjin knew what was happening in Seoul at any given moment down to what song was popular among street performers.

Seoul belonged to him.

Which was why it was all the more bothersome to Seokjin that there was an entire rabid coven running around his city. Not only was it insulting that Seokjin hadn't known from the start, it was simply a bad look for him. This must be solved quickly and efficiently.

The last few days and nights had been filled with dozens of phone talks and emails and meetings that dragged on for forever and just – so many conversations. Seokjin was starting to have a constant headache.

It paid to be thorough with investigations but it also meant that Seokjin had to have a finger in every part of the investigation. He only had so many fingers.

The only positive side to this whole matter, if there could be any at all, was the fact that Seokjin got to see his city tackle it as a united front.

Every coven they reached out to, every loner vampire they contacted; everyone was willing to help. Seokjin didn't like trouble in his city and neither did the people he was ruling over.

Vampires weren't creatures that always got along so Seokjin felt like this was an odd Christmas.

He had multiple covens agreed together to set a patrol and even lone vampires were helping in their own ways.

Seokjin had woken up at six o'clock, before the sun had even set, and had been reading reports and approving council matters and just – there was so much happening even without their little pest problem. His eyes were hurting.

Now that they were all actively looking for it, there was evidence of alien activity in the city. The abandoned building they'd been tipped about wasn't this coven's first stakeout apparently (hah, stake-out) but so far there weren't any clues as to where they might have gone to.

At least no coven had reported any missing members and the loners were also all accounted for. There had been no vampire losses so far.

Unfortunately the same couldn't be said for the human side.

Their contact at the police station had sent them files upon files of missing people reports. It was now up to them to see some sort of connection between all these poor people to figure out who had been taken by the vampires and who were victims to mortal crimes

The remains found in the abandoned building couldn't be identified just yet but there was a team working on that particular issue. Seokjin hoped it would be solved quickly so they could help their families that were no doubt searching for them but also make sense of who was taken from where in the city.

Including Jungkook.

Seokjin frowned as the city zoomed by out his car window. It was somewhere around two am or something by now and Seokjin had just gotten the opportunity to leave his office. He didn't like working at his office at the council – it was too cold and people didn't leave him alone for him to work properly.

Also no one gave him kisses or blowjobs there so like...

Jungkook had been fast asleep when Seokjin left early in the morning. He hadn't so much as moved a muscle since Seokjin had fed him last night after he got his memories back. It was a good thing, Yoongi had said, he needed the sleep.

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