"Just a minute!" Was muffled from the other side, the boy having been in the middle of something. The mop of sentient hair opened the door, chocolate eyes locking with baby blue. Before CJ knew it the door was being closed in his face.

"Wait!" The blonde caught the door, forcing it open a little. Eddie walked back into the trailer, CJ following him without being invited. "Let me apologise! Please."

Eddie looked at him, a cold stare on his face, forced, as he sat down at the small kitchen table. He was hungover, and too tired to deal with this, but a little part of him wanted to, his feelings for the blonde, and the desperate look on his face compelling him to listen.

"I never meant to hurt you, or make you feel unwanted, I swear! My brain is just stupid. I am stupid." Any calm resolve CJ had composed outside the front door was now broken. His face pained and guilty. He meant what he was saying, these were words from the heart. "C'mon man, you have to know you're not just free drugs to me." His voice softened, taking a step closer to the Munson. Eddie's stare disappeared at that, looking down to his half burnt toast, he wanted to believe him, he really did.

"How can I just believe that? You've been an arsehole..." His voice was quiet, barely above a whisper. He kept his gaze on the food on the table, not wanting to look into those baby blues and instantly be captivated like every other person in Hawkins.

The snowy haired teen sighs, nodding in understanding to that. It was fair, he is an arsehole, but he never meant to direct that at the doe eyed metalhead. He stepped forward, falling to his knees next to where Munson was seated. He clasped his hands together, placing his linked fists on Eddie's thigh as he bowed his head in a sort of prayer. "Eddie Munson, you are the single most caring yet completely batshit crazy man I have ever met. I hang out with you, not for weed, not for booze or anything like that, but because I find you fascinating to be around. In this backwater town that hates people like you and me, you make me feel safe." CJ raised his head, hoping to catch some sort of sign from the other boy. He gasped to find eyes already on him, looking a little glossy as he attempted to hold back a smile. The blonde smiled softly, tilting his head a little as an idea popped into his brain, a smirk playing at his face. "So, if you are the devil that people claim you to be... then I pledge my allegiance, my loyalty, and my eternal soul to you.. O' Dark Lord."

Munson couldn't help but laugh at that, tears having pricked his eyes as he tried to wipe them before they fell. CJ leaned back as he smiled, watching the other boy laugh and shake his head in amusement. "And people call me the dork."

"Hey!" Rhodes smirks, loving that the usual smile on the older boy's face was back. "Am I forgiven?"

"Dunno, you'll have to wait and see." He smiled, getting up from his seat to put his mess of food back in the kitchen.

"Can I hug you?" CJ asked with a smile, standing up and watching the smaller boy.

"Yeah of course!" Eddie smiled, quickly walking back over to the blonde, burying his face in the other's chest. The Munson sighed, relaxing as he inhaled the scent of the other; cheap cologne, smoke and what could only be described as gasoline. The arms around him were impossibly warm, but that didn't bother him as he was always a naturally cold person. He smiled as a hand ran through his hair, twirling and pulling out the wavy locks.

"I love your hair." CJ murmured, resting his head against Eddie's as he continued to play with the curls. The metalhead still hadn't let go of the blonde, and the taller started swaying the pair slightly, rocking them back and forth. The action caused the brunette to giggle, turning into laughter as CJ took his hand, rocked him away from his body and twirled him, before pulling him back. "Wanna go to mine and I'll cook you something?"

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