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"Happy birthday to you!" my friends and family sing. I blow out the candles on my cake and smile as everyone cheers. Today is my seventeenth birthday which means only one more year til I'm eighteen. The thought alone makes me smile.

"Why don't you open your presents, sweetie?" my mother suggests. I nod and reach for the largest gift first.

After I've opened all my gifts, and everyone's stuffed themselves full of cake, my guests start to leave. Once we've said goodbye to the last guest, it's just me, my mother and father, and my older brother, Frankie.

"Happy birthday, kiddo," Frankie says as he kisses my forehead before heading to his room. My parents bid me goodnight before going to there room as well. It is getting pretty late, but before I can get to my room, my cellphone starts vibrating in my back pocket.



"Who is this?"

"Did you like your gift?"

"What gift? Who is this?"

"Open your door, baby."

The line goes dead after that. I open the door of my apartment to find a bouquet of flowers on the door mat. There is a note on top of the flowers which I reach for first.

Hey there, Delilah, what's it like in New York City? I'm a thousand miles away, but girl tonight you're looking pretty.

My heart rate quickens as I read the note. I quickly grab the flowers and reenter my apartment. I throw the flowers and the creepy note in the trash. Since I'm already thoroughly creeped out, I jump when the phone rings for the second time tonight.

"Oh Delilah, don't you know it's rude to throw away a gift?"

"Seriously, who-" I'm cut off because he's hung up again. With my heartbeat still beating erratically, I quickly lock all the doors and windows. I'm about to knock on Frankie's door to tell him about the mysterious gift and phone call, but I stop as I realize it'll only get him worked up, and it's probably just one of my friends pulling a prank. That thought gives me comfort, so I cling onto it as I make my way to my bedroom. I slip out of my dress and throw on my pajamas before crawling into bed. I fall asleep with dreams of daisies and birthday cake.

Louis' POV

I have a perfect view into Delilah's bedroom through her window. I groan softly when she slips off her dress. I grab my hardening cock through my jeans as I get a beautiful view of her tits. Fuck, they're so round and plump. I can't wait to get my hands on them. I smirk to myself as I remember how close I am to having her to myself. All in good time, I think to myself. All in good time.


A.N: AHHHHH guys I'm so excited for this story! This chapter isn't that great, but the plot will get going in the next couple of chapters. Thanks for reading! Vote and comment!

xx gigi

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