Chapter 52

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We spend the day discussing horses, and then going to check on them, and my heart is full. All the horses have been returned to the stable, except for one we lost, and the other Peaky Blinders are commending it as one of the greatest heists we've ever pulled.

"What's the latest on that local gang?" I ask from the backseat of the car as we head home.

"They're on their last desperate attempt before they're forced to dissolve. They're trying to take ownership of a..." John hesitates, which is unlike him, but he's grinning.

"What?" I ask.

"A brothel."

"It's not just a brothel," Tommy says from the driver's seat. "It's for anyone to go and fuck."

"You seem to know a lot about it," I say innocently, and Arthur tips his head back in laughter.

"What's the issue?" I ask. "Can't we just go in there and take it for ourselves?"

"They have guns," Tommy says. "More of them than we do. Right now, the owners are neutral to the turf wars, but eventually they'll have to choose a side."

"Who says we need guns?" I ask. "Can't you just do your intimidating word riddles and lay an offer on the table?"

I see Tommy fight the urge to roll his eyes. "They don't trust us," he says. "As that's something you're working on, if you've got any ideas, let us know."

I scowl, but it's John who speaks. "Hey... maybe that's it."

We all look at him. He gestures to me, as though it ought to be obvious.

I realise what he means at the same time comprehension dawns in the others' faces.

"I say we go right fucking now," Arthur shrugs.

I'm quiet. I'm not opposed to the idea — especially not if it'll help to end this war. But...

"I vote whatever Tommy does," I say.

I could stare at his eyes in the rear view mirror for the rest of my life and never get bored, trying to discern all the celestial colours.

"If you're comfortable," he says, "I vote we do it."

"It's settled then." I try to ignore the swooping sensation in my stomach like I've fallen from a great height. I can't tell if it's nerves or eager anticipation.

John looks as though Christmas has come early. "Fuck, if we do this and it works, I'll be your personal slave until the end of time, Bancroft."

"It's not just me partaking," I point out. "But I won't object."

"We'll go at nightfall, then," Arthur says.


I pull Tommy aside before we enter the establishment, gesturing for John and Arthur to go ahead without us.

"Second thoughts?" Tommy asks.

"Not exactly. I just want to check if you're sure you're okay with this."

"Why wouldn't I be?" He asks, with his eyebrows raised.

"Because it's a very vulnerable position to be in," I tell him. "And it might not even work."

He lights a cigarette. "Lucky for me, I won't be in a vulnerable position."

My brow creases in confusion. "You mean... you're not—"

"No, princess," he says. "I'm going to let John and Arthur do it. I'll have my wits about me, just in case."

I swallow. "But—"

Bancroft - Peaky Blinders Reverse Harem x Reader Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang