Chapter 24

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The office building is quiet, around a dozen rooms in size but with nobody coming in or leaving through the large double doors with stained glass.

"We don't usually work out of here," John says. "It's for the others on our payroll. But since the break in..." He shrugs.

Footsteps tap across the floorboards towards us. John's face lights up in greeting. "Alright, Lizzie? Have you met—"

"Fuck off, John," she snaps, arms folded across her chest. "I've had enough."

She glared at me as she leaves. John only looks bemused, shaking his head slightly.

"She's not been the same since Tommy stopped indulging her," he mutters.

I try very, very hard not to care. "When was that?" I ask politely.

"Just after you got here, actually."

We're silent as we walk down the hallway. I press my lips together — I can't afford to smile in front of him.

"What did you say to Lizzie Stark?" John asks, no word of hello or greeting as he flings a door open and walks into Tommy's office.

I hear him sigh as I enter, and suddenly I'm in a room with him, and my head gets muddled. How had I forgotten just how bright his eyes are? How dark his hair is, how soft his lips look when he speaks?

"Same thing I'll say to you, John. Fuck off and mind your own business."

John laughs. Tommy glances up at me. He's standing in front of a large window covered in sheer curtains. I can see he's in work mode, that he's been concentrating deeply as he rifles through forms on the desk. But he straightens, placing his hands in his trouser pockets. He's not wearing his suit jacket, and I have to tear my eyes away from his silhouette.

He tears his own eyes away just a second later. "Why are you two here?" He asks.

"Told Bancroft I'd bring her to work today," John says.

"Who broke in here?" I ask, unable to stop myself.

"Some new gang trying to take over Birmingham," Tommy answers.

I'm shocked, both by the news and the fact that he answered me. "But they didn't take anything?"

"They didn't have to." Tommy sighs as he lights a cigarette, sitting in his chair and leaning back, crossing his legs. "Had the whole place to themselves for nearly three hours before anyone got here."

"But you don't need to sit guard," I say. "Why not pay someone else to do it for you?"

"Because every other man of ours has been out trying to get information," he replies. "Until now."

John perks up. "It's happening, then?"

Tommy gives him a heavy look and a slow nod. He drinks from a glass of whiskey.

"What's happening?" I ask. I know I'm probably being rude, but I'm curious. Fascinated. This is a whole side of life I've never been exposed to before, and yet to these men, it's as commonplace as brushing their teeth.

"They're going to steal our horses," Tommy says. "They're hoping it'll cause enough of a chink in our business to open up a gap for them to take over the races."

"Are they mental?" I ask.

"No, they're just fucking idiots."

"At least you found out about it. You can stop it," I say.

But John shakes his head. Confused, I look back at Tommy.

"We're going to let them."

I frown. Tommy speaks again.

"Now, you tell me. Why would we do that?"

He watches me as I think it over. Various possibilities run through my mind, until I think I've landed on the right one.

"Insurance fraud," I say quietly.

Tommy tips back his drink. "Clever girl."

"But... the horses—"

"We've got it all planned out," John says. "We'll keep our horses. But the money we get will be enough to pay for—"

Tommy cuts in. "Say any more, John, and you might as well hand her a cap and coat and induct her into the Peaky Blinders."

I suck in a breath. "Well, why not?"

"Out of the question," Tommy says.

"Why? I have to take over for my father, don't I?"


I stare at them both for a moment. "What is it? You're worried I'll be competition? I thought it was your job to teach me this stuff. If not, I might as well go home."

Tommy's quiet. John shifts uncomfortably.

"Alright then," Tom finally says. "You can work this job with us."

I don't want to push my luck any further, but can't help myself. "You're being awfully generous today."

He considers his words before speaking again, ultimately deciding not to give the explanation I'm looking for. "They're planning to move in two nights from now."

He finishes his cigarette and stubs it in the crystal ashtray, exhaling all the last of the smoke before fixing his intense gaze on me once more.

"You'll be with me."

Bancroft - Peaky Blinders Reverse Harem x Reader Where stories live. Discover now