9 • Bathrooms

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"Sir, can I go to the restroom?" Stella quickly make her way up to the teachers and the man nodded, allowing the girl to walk past them to the doors. Lizzie excused herself before following behind the girl, finding herself having to pick up her pace to keep up with the brunette. 

"That was pretty good," Lizzie smiled at the girl but the brunette didn't spare her a glance, pushing the doors open when she reaches the toilets. Lizzie watched the girl disappear into one of the stalls as she sat herself up on the counters, waiting. "Why didn't you tell me you could sing?" The blonde asked as the girl opened the stall door.

"You never asked," Stella replied, her attitude cold and distant as she washes her hands beside the blonde.

"Are you mad at me?" Lizzie whispers, receiving a heavy sigh from the girl. "I'll take that as a yes then,"

"Just drop it, Elizabeth," Stella rolls her eyes, drying her hands under the loud hand dryers.

Lizzie jumps down from the counter and wraps her hand around the back of Stella's neck, pulling the girl away from the dryer. The brunette yelped as she was shoved against a wall, the dryer turning off to reveal the deadly silent room. The blonde bit her lip as her annoyed eyes boar into the brunette's, her hand leaning on the wall behind Stella to trap her in. Lizzie raised an eyebrow in question at Stella's increased breathing, her heart rate flying through the roof at the proximity of Lizzie's thigh pressing against her core.

"You know how I feel about you calling me Elizabeth, detka," Lizzie drops her voice deeper and quieter than before. "What's wrong? Cat's got your tongue?"

"And what's so wrong with your name? You don't like it?" Stella questioned, earning a small amused chuckle from the blonde.

"Darling I love my name, I just prefer you call me better ones," The green-eyed woman smirked, leaning in to speak in the brunette's ear. Feeling Lizzie's breath breeze over Stella's neck makes the girl's breath hitch in surprise.


"Lizzie, Liz, Bee, baby, darling, mommy," the woman listed off, not hesitating for a second for any of them. Stella groaned at the woman's words, the blonde's thigh shifting mindlessly against her to create some friction.

"And if I don't?" Stella asked, feeling her stomach flip and her legs turn to jelly.

"I'll make you," Lizzie whispered, her eyes emerald green eyes falling to Stella's soft pink lips.

"Mm, that's convincing," Stella spoke under her breath, feeling the woman get closer and closer to her. "Wait, what if someone walks in," the brunette whispered, panicked as she felt Lizzie's body press against hers. The blonde looked behind her at the door and then back at the German, knowing she was right.

Lizzie groans as she pulls away from the girl, standing upright once again off of the wall. The blonde reached into her pocket and pulled out a set of keys, a small smirk on her lips as she lifted Stella's legs to sit her on the counter. The brunette gasped as her feet left the floor, feeling the cold benchtop through her thin skirt that stopped just in the middle of her thighs.

The blonde sauntered off to the door, putting her key in the lock and turning it easily. Lizzie walked along the stalls, making sure no one was in them before circling back to the brunette. "Sing for me?" The blonde asked, a sweet tone in her voice as her hands wander up and down the girl's thighs.

𝐓𝐞𝐚𝐜𝐡𝐞𝐫'𝐬 𝐏𝐞𝐭 • 𝐄. 𝐎𝐥𝐬𝐞𝐧Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora