Birthday Celebration 18+

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We pulled up to the club and I start getting even more nervous than I was on the ride here, me and Marcello didn't day a word to each other the whole way here well that is until we pulled in and he said to me,

M--"Wait on me to open your door for you, okay?" I nod my heads saying a quiet okay. When he got out of the car, he rounded it and opened my door for me while holding a handout to help me out of his sporty car.

Once we were out of our cars and we surpassed the entire line, and I tried not to listen to their comments on the way in there, but the comments were either mean or they didn't know who we were and that it was rude to cut the line after waiting for so long. When we get into the club Fran ask me, 

F--"Do you want something to drink?"

B--"Nothing alcohol please, I don't want to get drink on my birthday" she nods her head and walks to the bar while we walk to the VIP section and when we get up there, I was met with two men I have never seen before, and Marcello pulled out a chair for me to sit in and they started talking business and it would go back and forth between me watching them or the people around me dancing.

I know how do dance like this a little bit but never got to do it much at all, I only went to the club once and danced but hated everything else about the place like the drinking, music, and the people.

M--"Well I will see you soon bye to you two, we have a birthday to celebrate" when the two guys left I felt the tension release from the males that are here in our group.

F--"Let's all go dance" we all nodded our heads except Marcello and Lorenzo,

G--"Come on honey it's been so long since we dance together" I quickly slipped off my jacket so I wouldn't overheat.

L--"Fine let's go" they got up with Fran following behind them dragging me and Salvator. We got down there we all started to dance together and then they started to pair up and right as I thought that I felt somebody push up against me and started dancing, I really didn't want to dance with a guy I don't know,

Random--"What are you doing dancing all alone?"

M--"She is not and by the look on her face she doesn't want you to touch her" and this is why I hate going to clubs always fights,

Random--"I don't need this I will go find somebody else to fuck tonight."

M--"No you're not your out of here and if I see you, it won't be pretty" the guy hurriedly walked away and I looked down at my feet when suddenly I felt somebody wrap arms around my waist from the back I looked up and saw Marcello,

M--"Dance Tesoro, have fun" I thought for a second about it but today I just really want to have fun today, so I started grinding back against him like you dance in a club, then started dance a little faster to the song and after a few minutes he grabbed my hips and I felt his head hit my shoulder and he groaned,

B--"What is wrong?"

M--"You, damn this perfect body grinding, swaying, all around dancing is really not helping Marcello Jr in my pants right now" I was confused but then I figured out what he meant I gasped, my face went red, I instant became wet, and he asked me really quietly,

M--"Start dancing again Brie please" he is never the one to ask nicely and so I did and this time I found myself going maybe a little too slow for this song so I go faster ignoring his small groans that I can only hear from the music being so loud in here and people screaming all around us, thankfully nobody from our group has really looked at us,

M--"Turn to face me" I do, and I wrap my arms around his neck which barely reach, and I look at his chest,

M--"Look at me treasure"

B--"I um I didn't mean to... I am sorry... I have never done that... I am sorry."

M--"You have nothing to be sorry about."

B--"Yes I shouldn't have been pressing that hard against your... your..." he leaned in more so I could hear him perfectly.

M--"My cock. You were pressing with just the right amount, Tesoro I want you to turn and do it hard than before" for some reason I want to listen, so I turned, tossed my arms around his neck and pushing my but towards him and started dancing.

A few minutes later a slow song came on and I noticed through my turned-on state Lorenzo and Gabriella walked back up to the balcony where my dad was still there, while Fran and Salvator was dancing just like me and Marcello. I looked back in front of me and focused on what I was doing and started to press against him harder than before when a more fast came on.

M--"Shit I need to go to the bathroom" I nod my head and he walked off, but I feel like I need a release and I know I shouldn't do it here, but it is driving me insane, I walked over to Fran, and she saw me coming towards her and she straightened up,

B--"Where are the girl bathrooms?"

F--"Over that ways in the corner" I nodded and thanked her before making my way over to the corner bathroom and when I accidently walked into the guys bathroom since I don't know Italian and they had only the work boy and girl in Italian but anyways that is not the point I walked in and I saw something I should not have... Marcello jerking off and saying my name when he finished.

I backed out but I know he is looking at me, but I couldn't look up, his hand is still around his cock,

B--"I am so sorry I can't read Italian and when I went to the bathroom, I just picked one and then I saw you umm."

M--"Come here Brie" we walked towards me with his cock still out and hard once again and I have no clue why, but I did come back in and I leaned against the wall beside the door, he pushes it closed and locks it and he said,

M--"Do you trust me?" I nod my head and he come closer to me close enough his very long cock touches my belly,

M--"Brie why did you come to the bathroom?"

B--"Umm I had to use it" I hesitated way to long,

M--"Why were you coming in here."

B--"I-I..." I couldn't say it,

M--"Do I have permission to touch you?" I didn't even hesitate, and I nodded my head,


B--"Yes you do" I heard my voice sound a bit different from the lust I am feeling, he lifts my dress up above my hips, he moved my panties over and rubbed up and down but didn't push in,

M--"Are you sure?"

B--"Yes... please" when I said please it must have lit a spark in him because he pushed in one finger and I gasped,

M--"Spread you legs more and grip on my shoulder if you have to, good girl" I instantly became soaked beyond belief suddenly he added a second finger, then a third,

B--"Oh thank you, thank you, thank you" then I felt like I had to pee,

M--"Let it go" I looked down and I see him jerking off and I wanted to help and when my hand touched it he groaned and let go letting me take over for him and very soon we both finished, and when he did he walked over to the sink and grabbed a wet towel wiping me off before putting the dress back down and then pulled his pants back up,

M--"I am sorry we shouldn't had done that" he was leaning against the sink looking in it before looking at me and I must have a confused look on my face,

M--"You are my friend's daughter, you are my friend's sister, you are my employee, I am sorry I shouldn't had crossed the line" my eyes started to water, and I said while walking out,

B--"I get it I am the maid" and walked to where Fran and Salvator were dancing,

B--"Can you guys give me a ride home I am beyond tired and am ready to go and can you ask your mom to grab my jacket up there when she come home?"

F--"Yeah let's go" on the way home I stayed quiet in the car, I didn't talk to them in the house, and I just went up to my room and laid down I'm my bed after I took a shower and got dressed in different clothes.

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