15- What Minho Knows~~

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At uni~

"I hate it here" Felix whined as he slumped down in the chair beside me

"Tell me about it my professor is such an asshole i hate him" Hyunjin chimed in

"Guys I don't think its that bad y'all are overreacting"

They glared at me and scoffed in unison, the air suddenly became thick as the did so. I raised my hands up in defeat. Soon enough seungmin and jisung approached us with their plates and sat down in the two seat beside me.

It was currently our lunch break and we were seated in the corner table of the canteen that we somehow made our own.

"Why are y'all so moody today?" Jisung acknowledged the two grumpy people sitting across from him

"Mr. Choi is a pain in the ass. He's asking for a research paper by the end of the week knowing damn well its an assignment that is normally done in 2 weeks minimum" Hyunjin whined like a child who got his candy taken away

"Well damn, you have it rough" a voice spoke behind me

I turned around to be meet with Mark, Kevin, and Jacob. I smiled at them and they smiled back taking the filler seats.

"You guys don't mind if we sit here?" He asked which i found pointless cuz they sit here everyday

"I mean you already are but sure" seungmin said as his took a bite of his pizza.

"Guys what am i gonna do about this stupid paper?" Hyunjin continued to whine as most of us just ignored him

"You know what you need hyunjin?" Jisung spoke


"To shut up" he expressed is annoyed feelings causing Hyunjin to scoff

"Fuck you peter"

"Damn y'all can't go a day with out arguing?" Kevin interrupts as he placed two banana milks in front of me

This is something i did for Jeongin every Thursday cuz thats when they would give out banana milk in the canteen. I specifically asked everyone to get two so Jeongin would have enough for the entire weekend.

"Thank you, your kindness is appreciated"

"Its my pleasure my lady" Kevin perks up and Jacob smacks him behind the head

"How many times do i have to tell you she has a boyfriend" Jacob rolled his eyes as he went back to eating his food

"I KNOW SHE DOES!" Kevin huffed "you don't gotta keep mentioning it, it hurts you know"

"Enough about all you're problems it makes me sad!Beomgyu and his friends are throwing a party tomorrow night we should all go." Jisung suggested with excitement radiating in his tone

"No" Seungmin and Hyunjin said in unison with out any mercy

"WHAT?! Why?" He retaliated

"Did you hear i have a research paper due on Monday?" Hyunjin crumbled at the thought once again

"Dude i'm pretty sure you'll get it done in time. Come on don't be a party pooper"

"I mean it sounds fun. Ill be down to go" mark interjected

"I wouldn't mind either. This would be my first party in Korea" i excitedly voiced

"Im down" Felix spoke up

"Me too" Kevin joined in

"I guess i'll go too" Jacob as the last to respond once again

"See its only you two forkers who love to ruin the fun. Plus im sure the other guys who be excited to go too, so just stop being so serious for one night and lets go." Jisung begged hoping for them to budge

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