Minji and Haerin made their way to the table and sat down. They welcomed the air conditioning. Even though the place was crowded with hungry teenagers, Minji was pleasantly comfortable. She grabbed a menu and resisted the urge to order the entire right side.

"Exactly what kind of trouble did you get into?" Haerin asked and opened a menu as well.

"Oh you know, the usual."

Haerin rolled her eyes again. "Who was it this time?"

"Miyoung...something," Minji said and furrowed her eyebrows in confusion. "Or was it Minyeong?"

"You don't even remember?"

Minji gave her a cheeky smile. "I remember lots of other things besides her name. Like the way she-"

Haerin held up her hands to stop her friend from proceeding. "Okay, don't need to know the details. God, Minji unnie, you're such a whore."

"Hey!" She stated defensively but couldn't help the grin on her face. "She pulled me into the janitor's closet. I was just going to class. It's not my fault that I'm so irresistible." Minji smiled smugly. "Yujun! Her name was definitely Yujun."

Haerin just shook her head.

It was no secret that Minji was quite popular with the ladies. She was attractive, very funny, and charming. She could practically get any girl she wanted if she really tried.

Although Minji didn't have to try. Girls seem to fall for her wherever she went. Even the so called straight ones couldn't resist her charm.

Nobody dared to call her a slut because that was one thing she was not. In fact, Minji was one of the classiest people in Seoul High. But with the class comes the ego. Minji's ego was probably bigger than any person alive but it was what some girls were attracted to. Her overconfidence seemed to be a turn on.

Minji and Haerin ordered, ate their lunch and proceeded back to campus. Minji groaned when she pulled up to her spot and killed the engine.

"Want to skip the rest of the day?" she asked Haerin hopefully.

"I have a huge test in chemistry, and you know I'd like to graduate with our class." Haerin exited the car and started making her way back to the building before the bell rang.

Minji followed her and whined again. "You are no fun. God, it's so hot. Why can't the damn school get some damn AC? How is anyone supposed to concentrate in this weather?"

"When have you ever concentrated in class?"


"Well, here's something that might cheer you up," Haerin said with amusement. "Your girlfriend is heading this way."

Minji immediately perked up and stood up straighter. She grinned as she watched a very attractive brunette walk towards her direction. Minji bit her lip when she saw how the girl was dressed. Because of the very hot weather, she had chose to wear ripped jean shorts accentuating her nice legs and a nice tank top that did wonders for Minji's imagination. She had thrown her hair back in a messy bun and Minji's eyes averted to the girl's exposed neck where sweat was glistening off it.

"Hey sexy," Minji said when the girl walked by. "Missed you at lunch."

Hanni didn't even bother with a response when Minji addressed her. She continued walking towards her class praying that she wouldn't be followed.

Haerin laughed at the blatant brush off but Minji just grinned. Bidding her friend a goodbye, Minji went off to chase Hanni. She had finally caught up and fell into step with her.

"You're looking very fine today," Minji said. She tried to keep up with Hanni's fast pace.

Once again Hanni didn't answer and kept her eyes out front.

"Although," Minji continued, not at all bothered by being ignored. "You do look really hot. Why don't you take off that tank top?"

Hanni bit back a response and just clutched the books she was holding tighter. The cocky tone in Minji's voice was enough to drive her completely insane. She was so tempted to just hit Minji on the head with her heavy math book. She had finally reached her next class and was about to go in when Minji blocked her path. Hanni desperately wanted to wipe the smug off her face with a baseball bat.

"Will you please move?" Hanni finally said.

Minji just smiled. "I will under one condition."

Hanni rolled her eyes. "And what is that?" She asked exasperated.

"Go out with me this Friday?"

"No," Hanni said immediately and tried to push her way through Minji which proved to be a bad idea.

"I knew you couldn't resist feeling me up," Minji said when Hanni's hand accidentally brushed against Minji's chest.

Hanni's face flared with anger. She roughly pushed pass her and finally entered the classroom. Minji laughed as she rubbed the spot where Hanni had shoulder checked her. "Damn, that one is feisty," she said out loud.

"Don't you have anything else better to do than practically throw yourself at girls who clearly have no interest in you?"

Minji smiled at Hanni's best friend who looked like she was standing by watching the whole exchange. "Nope, and Danielle, we both know that Hanni wants me. It's only a matter of time before she gives in."

Danielle shook her head and proceeded into the classroom Hanni had just entered. "Minji unnie, it's been nearly three years, I really don't think she's going to give in anytime soon."

"Oh, have a little of faith, my dear Danielle. You'll see," she winked at her and Danielle rolled her eyes.

"By the way, hope you enjoy detention."

Minji looked at her confused. "What? I don't have detention." It had to be a record, going through an entire day without one.

Danielle pointed up and the bell suddenly rang. "Now you do."

"Fuck!" Minji quickly dashed down the hall and tried to make it to her class. It didn't really matter anymore since she was already late and would get a detention. She didn't care though. It was totally worth seeing Hanni even though she wasn't receptive. She's never receptive to Minji but it never stopped her from hitting on her.

Hanni Pham was the only girl Minji couldn't get. Try as she might, Minji failed to win Hanni's affection. And she's been trying for years. Ever since Hanni transferred to Seoul High half way through their freshman year, Minji had been pursuing her. But every attempt was turned down. Hanni seemed to despite Minji, but Minji refused to see in that way.

Maybe it was her oversized ego, but Minji looked at Hanni's rejections as playing hard to get. She was quite sure that Hanni wanted her just as much as she wanted Hanni. It was only a matter of time before she gave into Minji's irresistible charm.

Although the time seemed to go by very slow. Minji wanted Hanni and even though she may never admit it out loud, it absolutely killed Minji that she didn't have her still.

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