"Thank you" I smile his hands are gentle on my skin he pulls out the glass and disinfects the cuts, he stitches my wrist up

"Hey wanna take a shower got you some new clothes" Maggie smiles sadly at me

"That's great, thank you" I smile at her

"They're my younger sister Beth's she a little smaller than me so you'll fit her clothes a bit better" she explains and leads me to a bathroom

"Thanks so Much Maggie for everything" I tell her and I go for a shower scrubbing my body over and over washed my hair at least 5 times to get any traces of the men out of it, scrubbed my freshly bruised arms hoping to never feel those men on me again. Yet after all the scrubbing my body still feels dirty. The water at hot as it can go to try and burn off any evidence of them.

I was given a black hoodie and a pair of black shorts to wear so I shove them on and pick up my dirty clothes and take them downstairs with me

"You can put them in the washer there sweetie" an older blonde lady says to me

"Thanks, I'm cat" I introduce myself holding a hand out

"I'm Patricia lovely to meet you" she smiles and I head in to see Carl

Rick and Lori look panicked, Rick exhausted and pale from all the blood transfusions

"He's loosing too much blood" Herschel admits

"Take more" Rick says handing his arm over

"You've given too much already" he's told off by the older man

"I'm the universal blood type so you can take some from me" I tell the man

"Great" he says as I sit down and puts the needle in my arm extracting blood from me and I instantly feel drained.

(Daryl's pov)

We finally arrive at the farm and little does cat know I've got her beloved pup in the car

"What's goin' on? She alrigh'? He alrigh'?" I ask looking at Cat first then to Lori and Rick

"He's loosing a lot of blood Cat has the right blood type so giving him some" Lori explains

"She's lost enough already" i growl remembering the blood dripping down her face coming from her head which was covered in glass, blood dripping from her wrists and worst of all between her legs, her shorts were covered and blood dripped down her legs. I've never felt rage like it. I've never wanted to kill a man like I did when I saw her. She doesn't deserve it.

"She'll feel weak after this probably won't be able to stand up" Herschel explains as I looks at cat. Her face is no longer covered in blood, her legs are covered in bruises which look like hand prints and finger prints, she's pale, slumped on the chair.

"Might wanna get her something to eat" Lori says looking at the small girl

"Take her into the living room sit her on the couch so she's more comfortable if you want" the old man says who Introduced himself as Herschel, he patched up Cat made sure she was alright so he gets a tick in my book.

I gently pick up her light just one Hand under the knees the other on her back her head rests against my body. I carefully carry her and gently place her down I try my best to be gentle with her as she might not want anyone touching her yet.

Maggie passes me a peach which I thank her for and I give small pieces to cat which slowly gives her some energy

"I never thought I'd see you again" she says her soft raspy voice a bit quieter than usual

"I told Dale I'd find ya and now I've promised ya I won't let anything happen to ya so you're stuck with me now" I tell her as I pull up the hood on the hoodie making her laugh

"Where's Charlie?" She asks looking up at me and my heart stops

"Uh..." I stutter

"He dead?" She asks voice breaking and tears forming

"No, uh, I dunno, Sophia ran away again he chased after 'er and we ain't seen 'em since" I admit causing her head to drop

"It's 'cause I left they woulda been fine if I stayed" she beats her self up

"Nah this ain't on you, they caused you to leave," I state pointing at the door knowing Lori and Carol were in there "it ain't your fault Carol ain't lookin' after her kid and your older brothers actions ain't your fault" I tell her and she nods tiredly falling asleep with her head rested on my shoulder, who knows the last time she even slept. Normally I'd shrug someone's touch off me but Cat is different I don't want to shake her off. There's something about her. Jim was right she ain't as tough and scary as everyone thinks, she needs protected.

"You're good with her you know" Glenn says looking at us

"So are you" I tell him knowing she's probably closest with him

"I freaked out when she left, I think even Lori felt bad when she saw her come back" Glenn says pointing at some of the bruises

"Imma kill them" I growl ready to stand up and leave the door and find the dickheads

"She needs to here Daryl, her brothers missing, she's weak, we- you can't leave her she needs you" he tells me placing his hands on my shoulder stopping me from leaving the house and cutting the heads off the men. I grunt and nod agreeing with him when a small yawn leaves cats mouth, her eyes gently fluttering

"Glenn?" She mutters against my shoulder

"Yeah?" He asks looking at her

"You miss me when I was gone?" She asks with a small smirk

"Surprisingly i did" Glenn tells her chuckling back

"Did you?" She asks looking up at me to which I just groan

"He did, we all did, Daryl was the first person to try and go back for you" Glenn tells her eyebrows furrow

"Really?" She asks

"None of them bitches were gonna do shit" I grumble

"Aw you missed me," she coos making me groan "why didn't you come get me?" She asks and my heart shatters she might not have been in this state if I just went

"Charlie, this damn brother told us no" I tell her and her eyebrows raise

"Why?" She asks picking the skin at her nails but I take her hand stopping her

"He said you were too stubborn and if we went after you it would push you further" Glenn tells her making her scoff

"Stubborn is crazy coming from him, but maybe if he came after me he wouldn't be missing" she says

"We'll find 'im" I assure her

"Can we go out now?" She asks and I notice it's dark out

"Nah, you're still to weak from givin' blood 'n' it's dark we ain't findin' shit" I tell her and she tiredly nods falling back asleep on my shoulder too tired to even argue.

Dangerous | Daryl Dixon The Walking DeadTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang