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(Cats pov)
I'm still running, still bleeding. I see a Walker In front of me so I bend down and grab a huge rock and smash it off the walkers head.

I no longer hear the leaves rustling behind me so I think who Ever was chasing me is no longer there and given up.

I hold on to the bloody rock and continue to run when I see a familiar face Andrea. She screams as she tries to defend herself from a Walker but failing. I run over and smash the walkers head in with my rock just as Daryl, Glenn, Carol and Lori come to her aid

"Cat?" I hear Daryl say not believing I'm actually there and then it hits me the dizziness. The adrenaline has wore off, I feel light headed and dizzy

"Daryl" I say back my voice weak I see him looking at my bleeding shorts, ripped top, cut wrists, bruises body, glass coming out of my face and I feel the anger rising as he speaks

"What happened? Where've ya been?" He asks walking towards me placing his hand on my shoulder guilt covering Loris face

"Cat" carol says shaking me

"I... uh I found a house with Aider. I fell asleep I woke up my clothes were ripped, my body is sore, my shorts are covered in blood, I was tied up and I heard a man's voice" I start and freeze

"Cat," Daryl snaps me out of it "where are they? Who are they?" He demands

"I- I don't know I heard the name Randall, he... he was meant to be next after I smashed the windows to get out one of them chased me through the woods I don't know if they're still coming" I spoke fast constantly looking around for a man to be chasing me

"We gottcha now nothin' is gonna happen to ya again, they men ain't gonna touch ya ever again" Daryl says looking at me in the eyes while holding my hands

"Lori! Lori grimes!" A powerful voice interrupts its a woman on a horse

"That's Me" Lori steps forward

"You need to come with me it's Carl he's been shot! Rick has sent me out to get you" she demands and Lori instantly goes to get on the horse

"You don't know her!" Carol stops her

"It's Carl she's gotta go" I tell her

"Have you got medical supplies?" Glenn asks

"Yeah" the girl replies

"Can you take cat with us please? She needs these wounds seen to?" Lori asks

"Yeah sure, I'm Maggie by the way" she introduces as Lori gives me a hand onto the horse

"Nah ain't no way she's goin'" Daryl interrupts

"She needs help daryl! You want her to bleed to death?" Glenn asks him

"We don't know this girl!" Daryl snaps

"C'mon let them go" carol intervenes before Maggie gives the directions to the group and we head off to the farm.

Straight away we go in and see Carl

"Cat?" Rick asks in shock

"Hey" I reply

"You're back" he says smiling

"Shit hit the fan" I say pointing at myself making him laugh

"Language!" An older man scalds me "I'm Herschel" he says with a warm welcoming voice

"I'm cat nice to meet you and thanks for having me" I smile and Lori thanks him for what he's doing for Carl

"Let's get to checked out" he says

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