
I fucking knew it.

I've never been more angry at Nolan in my entire life than I am right now. How fucking dare he work up the nerve to fucking pick apart the one person he knew would not only hurt Lore, but also everyone else in this fucking house. Nolan was killing three birds with one fucking stone. I've always thought of Nolan as evil, but not only is he that, he's also the most heartless human being to exist on this fucking planet.

"Lore..." Declan says, in a whisper, seeming to be taken aback by her answer. "Fuck no, Lore. Stop."

" I really didn't mean to hurt you guys, I promise. I just...I couldn't let anything happen to her. She's my fucking everything." Lore is sobbing now, waterfalls of tears falling out of her eyes.

I can't help but sympathize with her. I know exactly how she feels. This isn't the first time Nolan has done this to people. Hell, he's done it to me. That's what he's good at, threatening people. He makes it seem like they have no other option when really they do. Nolan is fucking weak. Like the opposite of the saying a wolf in sheep's clothing, Nolan is a sheep in a wolf's clothing.

"Take care of her for me please?" She starts. "I want her to have a good childhood. Hide her from the shit in this world for as long as you can, keep her innocent and pure."

"Lore, what are you talking about..." I say I hope what's coming next doesn't actually happen. I can't let it happen, but I know, when she agrees to give her life to Nolan, this is part of the contract.

"Be good to her, please, Declan. Love her as though you're her father. And Valerie, try to love her as though you're her mother. Please, that's all I ask. I just want my baby to be safe and loved." Lore sobs.

"Lore don't do it," I say, taking a step forward. I catch a glance at Declan and his eyes seemed to be locked on the ground. His mind is somewhere else, but the silent tears falling out of his eyes tell me he feels this in a way he's never felt anything before.

"I have to. Don't let her see me like this." She tells me.

"Lore, stop!" I yell, lunging forward to grab her arms but before I can stop her, she pulls a gun from her waistband, raises it to her head, and pulls the trigger.

"No!" Declan screams as Lore's body drops to the ground. "No! Fuck! Lore, What the fuck!"

Declan's sadness mixes with fear and he starts throwing things. Knocking everything off of a dresser. He's screaming and yelling and crying and all of his emotions seem to be combined together, putting him in a state I've never seen him in before.

But then something crosses my mind that I never thought of before.

Where's Ellie?

Then I hear it.

"Mommy?" The sound of the little girl's voice says from the bathroom.

"Fuck." I mumble, then run in there. She's sitting in the bathtub with soapy, spiky hair and bath toys.

"Where's Mommy?" Ellie asks me.

"Mommy's sick, I'm gonna take you to my room, alright, love?" I tell her, then I grab a towel and pull her out of the tub, wrapping her in it. "Close your eyes okay? Put your face here."

I hold her face into my shoulder as I walk out of the room. Declan is still screaming and throwing things and I can hear Ellie start to cry into my shoulder.

I open the door and close it directly behind me. "It's alright, Ellie. Everything is gonna be okay."

"Why is Uncle Lanny yelling?" She asks with tears in her eyes.

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