Chapter Four

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Chemistry is you touching my arm and it setting fire to my mind

Nayyirah Waheed


"Fuck," he says. "I forgot a condom."

"I'm on birth control." I say, just as out of breath as he is.

"Good," he says, then he pulls out, crawling off of me. He presses his lips to my cheek quickly, then stands, grabbing the bloody towels and hydrogen peroxide he previously threw on the floor and heads into the bathroom.

He comes back into the room with a wet wash cloth. He sets it on the dresser for a moment while he grabs his underwear and pulls them up his legs. Then he grabs the cloth and heads back over to the bed.

"What are you doing?" I ask.

"Cleaning up the mess I made." He smiles at me, then wipes the rag along my sex, cleaning up.

When he's done, he discards the rag somewhere in the bathroom and is back in the room again. He grabs my bag from the chair, putting it on the end of the bed. Unzipping it and digging through until he find a new clean pair of panties.

He slides the fabric up my legs careful of the wound. I watch him curiously. It's an odd thing watching someone do things only one other person as done in your life before.

It's odd seeing Declan do things I was so used to being done by Callum.

It's odd having sex with Declan when the only other person to ever see me in that was Callum.

"I'll be right back." He says. "Don't move." Then heads toward the door.

I wait, mainly thinking about someone else.

Callum Pierce is the only man I've been romantically interested in my whole life. I grew up with him. He was Nolan's best friend and mine for all my years.

We were never allowed to make things official between us. It was always sneaking around, hiding from Nolan. If he found out what Callum and I had been up too? Callum probably would've been dead.

When Declan comes back into the room he's holding one of his T-shirts. "Wear this," he tells me, then comes closer to the bed, placing the fabric over my body.

"Are you hungry?" He asks me. I nod. My stomach was screaming at me after throwing up my breakfast and lunch earlier.

He mirrors my nod, then takes a step closer to me, and kisses my forehead. "I'll go make food. You rest, okay? Your leg needs it." Then he leaves the room.

My eyes are wide. I can't believe he did that. And now he's making me food? If his master plan is to get me to fall for him so he can murder me easier than he's making good progress.

I reach into my bag and grab a book, leaning back against the headboard to read. I hardly concentrate though. My attention is solely on Declan, Nolan and everything that happened over the past few hours.

After a while, There's a light rapping on the door and I say a quick come in before Declan comes inside with two plates. He sits on the end of my bed and hands me one of the plates. "Thank you." I say before taking a bite of the pasta he made.

"Always," He takes a bite. "How's your leg feeling?"

I shrug because I don't want to tell him it's throbbing. "How's your arm?" I ask in return. He also shrugs.

I finished my meal before him. I was hungry after throwing up everything in my stomach earlier. He seems to understand. He takes our plates downstairs. I sit in silence again. I'm not sure how I'll ever be able to go to sleep tonight. My mind spins through thirty thousand different scenarios and how things could've gone down differently.

Kill The InnocentOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora