I've heard all the ship names love

Start from the beginning

Isabella's P.O.V


I arrived at the studio, I felt really nervous after what went down yesterday with me beating Chloe and everything. I walked into studio A; greeted Abby and went over to the girls. "Right moms you can come in" Abby shouted and our moms came in. "yesterday went very well girls, I'm proud" Abby praised us. She walked over to the pyramid and revealed the 1st person at the bottom of the pyramid. Chloe. "Chloe, yesterday was the competition and if I remember correctly, I said that you and Isabella were going to compete in a little contest, survival of the fittest. Well we all know how that turned out" Abby shrugged. Christi rolled her eyes; I'm actually surprised that she didn't flip out. "Mackenzie, your feet were sloppy in the group" Abby shook her head. Kendall was next, then Nia and after that Maddie. "And on the top is, Isabella" Abby smiled and everyone clapped. "Well done Isabella, you did fantastic on the weekend, you are the fittest obviously" Abby told me, I smiled. "This week we are going to Ohio to dance at strength dance competition, so you know what that means. The candy apples will be there! Also I have been informed that Stars elite will be there also." Abby informed us. Stars elite; that's where Leonardo dances. Oh god he is going to see me dance, what happens if he doesn't think I'm good enough, he might make fun of me, am I over reacting? "There will be one solo this week and it's going to ..... Chloe. Chloe I feel that you need to redeem yourself. Be warned I give solos and I can take them away quicker than a click of a finger, so I guess that mother of yours better shut her pie hole before she ruins this for you". Abby snaps. I looked at Christi I could see her blood was boiling but she put on a fake smile. "Abby I just want to remind you that Mackenzie and Maddie's Halloween party is on Thursday and I could only book it the same time as dance, so I don't know if the girls will be able to make it." Melissa reminded Abby. "Well girls considering you have all worked really hard, I guess I could give you a day off" Abby smirked. "Thank you Abby" we all hugged her. "Now moms upstairs girls let's begin".

Leonardo's P.O.V

We asked Mrs Chanel if we could have the night off to go to Maddie's party and she said yes! I'm actually really excited to go. I heard that Isabella was going I can't wait to see her again. I was dancing at strength dance competition this week. I was given a solo, I had been practising with Mrs Chanel all day. I ran the dance once more and grabbed a seat and my girlfriend Lola threw me my water. "You danced amazing babes" Lola smiled. "Thanks babes" I kissed her on the cheek. I know I haven't told Isabella that I am dating Lola, apparently Isabella is dating Gino according to the media, what have I got to lose? Anyway Lola's mom is Mrs Chanel, if I dumped Lola I probably won't be in the competition team. "What you going to wear to Maddie's party boo? Not that it matters you'll still look beautiful" I compliment her. "Haha cute" she laughed. "I'm going as Minnie Mouse" she explained. "I'm going as prince charming, why don't you go as Cinderella?" I asked "I've already got my Minnie costume, why don't you go as Mickey" she asked. "I've already got my costume, hopefully no one goes as Mickey or Cinderella" I said.


Maddie's P.O.V

"Andddd, DONE!" I announced hanging up the last fake spider. I looked around the hall at all my decorations, I'm quite proud with all my hard work and I think I done a good job! "Hey Maddie it's nearly seven you might want to start getting ready" Mackenzie called to me. "HALF AN HOUR TO GET READY" I screamed! I rushed upstairs and began to get ready. This year I was going to go as Sandy from my favourite movie 'grease'. I pulled on my leather pants and finished applying my maroon coloured lipstick and walked downstairs. I heard a car pull up outside and rushed straight to the entrance. Outside was a long black limo the driver opened the back door and Kendall, Chloe and Nia jumped out. Kendall was a zombie, Chloe was a cat and Nia was Dorothy from the 'wizard of oz' . Cameras were flashing, urgg the paparazzi had to be here didn't they. I hugged them all and invited them inside, but where was Isabella? More guest started to arrive but still no sign of Isabella. I checked my twitter to see if she had updated anything. I scrolled down my twitter when I saw a tweet from Perez Hilton, '@chloedancer3 @Kk_Vertes and @realniasioux looking very scary this Halloween for @maddieziegler and @mackzmusicinc Halloween party, but where is @IsabellaTorez_official ???' I instantly tweeted him back saying 'I was wondering the same thing to @PerezHilton'. I walked over to the entrance to wait for Isabella. Another car pulled up but it wasn't Isabella it was Leonardo and Lola, ew Lola I can't stand her. She stole my boyfriend Josh, I think she bribed him. "Hey Maddie" Leo greeted me. "Hey" I smiled, Leo is a lovely boy I don't mind him at all but how can he put up with that horrible devil?  "Hey Maddie, how have you been?" Lola smirked at me. "I've been great thanks Lola" I faked smiled at her. They both walked off and began to enjoy the party. I gave up waiting for Isabella she obviously wasn't coming. I joined the girls and began to dance with them, when the dj stopped the music. We all looked around and then I realised at the top of the steps was Isabella. She looked beautiful, she was in a short blue dress, with glass slippers. She was the best Cinderella ever.

Isabella's P.O.V

I was just froze at the top of the stairs, everyone was looking at me, there was no music playing no movement no nothing, just all eyes on me. "So is there no music as this party?" I questioned. Everyone was still silent. What did they want me to do start swing from chandeliers? I awkwardly walked down the stairs and rushed to the girls. The music started back up and the odd atmosphere disappeared. "What time do you call this" Chloe laughed. "My pumpkin got delayed" I confessed, we all giggled. "You're never going to guess who prince charming is" Kendall told us. "Who?" I questioned. "LEONARDO" Kendall explained. "Oooo Lola is going to get so angry" Kenzi smirked. "Who's Lola?" I asked. "Leo's girlfriend" Nia told me. "Oh" I sighed. "You didn't know?" Chloe asked. "No I didn't" I shook my head. "I think I'm going to have a little talk with Leo" I smirked. Ooo when I get my hands on that boy I swear! I saw him out of the corner of my eye and rushed right over. "Hey Leo" I smirked. "Hey Isabella you look beautiful tonight" he complimented me. "Oh really, is that what you said to your girlfriend to?" I shouted. "Hey hey calm down" he placed his hand on my shoulder. "Why didn't you tell me about Lola?" I pushed his hand off my shoulder. "Why didn't you tell me about Gino?" He wondered. "GINO, there is nothing between me and him" I laughed. "Well that's not what the media says, Ginobella, Isabellno, I've heard all the ship names my love" he snapped. "The media, you're really going to believe some stupid article writers and crazed fans" I giggled. "Oh give it a rest would you" He shouted. My blood as boiling. "Oh my god, I feel sorry for Gino having to put up with you" he grunted. "Oh really you wish I was with Gino now do you? After you called me perfect and beautiful." I said to him angrily. "I WISH YOU WAS WITH GINO" he screamed in my face. "WELL YOUR WISH CAN COME TRUE" I snapped at him. I saw Gino he was about arm's length away from me. "GINO" I shouted. He turned round and before he could say anything I grabbed him and kissed him in front of Leo. We broke away and he looked shocked. "YOUR WISH HAS BEEN GRANTED" I bellowed at Leo, I grabbed a cup of water from the snack table next to us and tipped it all over his head. "OH MY GOD, ISABELLA YOUR PATHETIC WORTHLESS AND A WASTE OF SPACE" Leo pushed me hard onto the floor. He looked so shocked and poor Gino didn't know what to do. "Isabella, I...I" Leo stuttered. "Leave it" I said as I got up, tears were running down my cheeks I ran straight outside to front gardens. I sat down on the steps with my head in my hands crying. I felt so hurt and I don't understand why, I didn't even like the boy, oh shut it you know that you did. "ISABELLA, ISABELLA" I heard someone calling my name. I wasn't that bothered, as long as they don't find me. "ISABELLA" someone shouted, I looked up, it was Gino. "Isabella" he rushed over and sat beside me. "You ok?" He asked me. "What do you think?" I snapped. "Ok calm down" he sighed. "Sorry" I apologized. "It's ok, I know you're not the happiest right now" he put his arm around me. "Don't worry about what Leo said, he's a dick" Gino laughed. "I kind of guessed that" I smiled. "So, what about that kiss" he said nervously. "What about it?" I asked. "Well I didn't think there was anything between me and you" he explained. "No, there isn't anything between us, I did it because Leo said that we did have something so I kissed him to make him jealous, stupid I know" I said. "So you used me then" he sighed. "Yeah I guess but I didn't mean to, you can kiss me when you need to, if you want to make it even" I smiled. "Thanks, I think" we laughed. "Do you want to go back inside?" he wondered. "No thanks, my makeup is messed up, I look like a drag queen and I just can't be bothered for idiots like Leo" I explain. "I'm a dancer remember, I can make anyone look perfect" he laughed. Gino rushed inside and brought back one of his friends and they both fixed me up. "You ready?" He asked. "Ready as I'll ever be" I said shakily. The rest of the night wasn't that bad at all. I danced the night with the girls. I got a couple of hot guy's numbers, made a couple of friends and didn't end up in tears. The best night ever!


Well that was an eventful chapter! I would just like to say and let you all know I think you guys are amazing! I feel like I need to make a huge apology to you guys because I've made you wait so long for an update. I have read all of your suggestions and it's gave me some amazing ideas to continue with the story. If you haven't already seen my friend @brunetteprincess801 Has published a story which I would really like you all to look at. So you guys could check that out. I just wanted to say a hugeeeeeee thank you to you all and I LOVE YOU ALL. Also I changed my name if you guys haven't seen! Shimmer_shake_shine yeah bit to cringy for my liking now :') I have now become xoThat_Girlxo

Much love, hugs and kisses



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