Chaptetr 22-ℌ𝔢𝔯𝔬𝔰-

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"A hero is someone who does what must be done, and needs no other reason."

I was frozen I couldn't move it was like I was incased in ice He was running up towards me Mike had just started runing up the stairs to try and catch him he drags pan away from me and try's to tear him he dropped him after he had broken him , he's shouting and coming towards me "where's the stuff you little bitch!!! I swear if you don't give it to me now you and your stupid dad will be lieing dead in a ditch!!" Suddenly I felt hands on my shoulders who and how many hands I don't know but whoever it is is my saviours my hero's I was being marched into someone's room it was painted pink my 'hero' brings me to there bed and thay sit me down on it

I'm still frozen trying to comprehend what happened I hear tallkimg amongst the shouting and yelling I still womdered who saved me well I wasn't wondering for long because it was soon revealed as Frank walked up the door and closed it , Frank saved me..but...I still felt another set of hands on my shoud it was comforting but who was it , after I unfroze and looked over at my right liam was the one with his hands on me " are you Alright? , who was that guy? " Liam asks "my uncle...he was trying to get me..."I wisper , liam looks at me visibly angry or annoyed. But I couldn't help asking "why did u guys save me.........?" I ask quietly still shook up

"Because! We aren't gonna let someone hurt you * Frank added  liam tightens his grip on me " and no one hurts my little sister...half sister or not..still my sister " Liam nods , I wonder what ,ade him change his mind why dose. He want to be my brother now even. Thought he almosy went to war over him not wanting us to be siblings- , we all just sit in silence for a few minutes dameon must of been gone because the shouting stoped not long after the end of the raised voice there was a knock at the door it frightened me and I couldn't help jumping into liam a bit- he rubs my back comfortingly , he gets up from the bed and heads over to the door

He opaned it and it was Mike "everything alright? " I nod  Frank and Liam agree "Liam you big brother senses realllyyyy kicked in there! " Mike smiles liam roles his eyes he must still not want people to know we are siblings after Mike  was sure everything was okay he leaves and we all go straight back into a awkward silence for a good I'd say 15 minutes yeah I know longggg time for a awkward silence- , "are we gonna just sit here or are we gonna actually do something! " Liam sighs "what can we do tho ?" Frank asks. , liam grins "it's burger dive time! "

Half.. -title is a work In progress!-Where stories live. Discover now