Nuntai yells "stop!" but I don't, instead I let the fire shut him up. I look to my left to see the crowd gasping and looking at me fearfully.

"stop i'm begging you!"

From the corner of my eye, I swear I spotted Dinraal smiling and that's when it hits me.

I'm doing exactly what he wanted. Displaying fear in their hearts rather than mercy. I instantly remove the fire on Nuntai by a flick of my wrist and he holds his stomach in pain. He looks terrified. So does the rest of the Ash Clan.

I take in a deep breath and calm myself down. The fire dims down until it lightly flows majestically around my skin and hair.

"Nuntai" I say with a firm yet loud voice.

"You led the attack on the Metkayina chief and his people despite knowing there is peace among us. Only a fool like you would condone to such low actions."

I look away from Nuntai and turn to face the crowd and the warriors.

"If anyone here goes against the peace established with the Metkayina Clan, you will burn for your crimes."


I'm home now but i'm not alone. After the commotion I walked back to my tent but Tehiti and Tuntak followed. The others attended to Nuntai's wounds and Dinraal vanished from my sight. I'll deal with him later. For now I have two others who have opinions to share.

"(Y/n) that was amazing" Tuntak says astonishingly while sitting on Tehiti's bed.

"Yeah sis, that was incredible! You looked so cool!" Tehiti sits down beside Tuntak and passes him a candy stick which they both chew on. I sit directly across them on my bed and say "he needed to be taught a lesson. He hurt the Metkayina."

"You mean he hurt Neteyam" Tehiti replies.

"Neteyam? Who's Neteyam?" Tuntak questions with his eyebrow shot up in interest. I nervously chuckle and say "Tehiti's out of his mind. Neteyam just happened to be there."

Tehiti however is completely ignoring what i'm saying and talks to Tuntak.

"He's Toruk Makto's eldest son. They both have chemistry."

"Damn (Y/n). Isn't Toruk Makto like the chief of the forest people? You hittin on some prince?" Tuntak aks in disbelief and my annoyance for Tehiti has grown a thousand percent higher than before.

"He's not a prince and Jake Sully is not the chief of the forest people anymore. Neteyam and I are just friends, just like Tuk and Tehiti are just friends, right Tehiti?" Tehiti gulps nervously and Tuntak shakes his head in disbelief.

"Now you too Tehiti? You liking someone too? Damn I leave you two for a few weeks and suddenly your on love island smooching your soulmates?"

"No one is smooching anyone. They are friendships. That is all" I reply. Tuntak shakes his head in disagreement and smirks at Tehiti who blushes.

"You two have a lot of explaining to do. I need to know all the deets on your love lives. But tell me later cause it's time to sleep. Goodnight kids." Tuntak playfully pushes Tehiti and high fives me before leaving. Once he's gone I get in bed, exhausted by today's events.

One thing is for sure. I am not looking forward to mating with Noatak tomorrow.


I wake up and hear Tehiti snoring quietly. I kiss his forehead and pull his blanket higher up for more warmth. The Ash Clan gets cooler at night and last night it got cold.

I tie up my hair in a bun, wear a new piece of armour and clean my face. I head out into the clan towards Dinraal's volcano because after yesterdays event, I want to know what he thinks and most importantly, I have to find a way to cancel this mating ceremony at night.

The Fire Between Us  {Neteyam x Reader}Where stories live. Discover now