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Humphrey thundered into the canteen. He made his way over to Cap, who was still talking to his beloved William, and poked him on the shoulder, causing the teen to swivel around.


"Sorry to interrupt but we need to talk. In private, if you don't mind."

"Uh... sure. Excuse us, William." Cap backed away from his best friend.

William smiled. "It's fine, I'll just wait here until you come back."

Cap blushed faintly and allowed himself to be dragged away by the arm. The two teenagers left the canteen and the noise of the student rabble faded away when they moved into the opposite corridor away from the eating area.

"What's the matter, Humphrey?" Cap could sense his distress without even knowing what it was.

Humphrey glowered at the wall.

"What is it?" Cap now felt on edge himself, not liking this new, tense change in Humphrey.

"Cap... Pat's being bullied."

"What?" Cap questioned sharply, "How do you know?"

"I just heard it! It sounded like some fifth years were picking on him!"

"Fifth years?" Cap scowled. "That can't be, he would have told us!"

"I don't think he would have." Humphrey continued, anger building. "It's Pat. He never thinks about himself. He only cares about OUR wellbeing."

"By Jove, you're right!" Cap gasped. "What can we do?"

As the two were talking, Julian slumped out of the boy's toilets nearby, wiping his hands. He piqued at their heated discussion and strutted over to them. "Afternoon, gents."

"Hi Julian." Humphrey forced out.

"What's up?" Julian asked, noticing how upset they both were.

The two teenagers just remained scowling.


"Jules... Pat's being bullied." Humphrey told him.

In all honesty, Julian already knew this. Although he only used to partake in the name-calling of the little teen, his 'friends' liked beating him up sometimes. Julian had started to distance himself from this toxic group of people so wasn't aware that they were still hurting Pat until that moment. "Oh."

"It sounded like Jake Smith, Terry Williams, and Dave Davies, the fifth years." Humphrey informed him.

Julian frowned. Fifth years? He knew about the ones in their own year picking on him, but the older kids? "You... you what?"

"Humphrey heard some fifth years attacking him. What should we do about it?"

Julian paused for a moment, his scowl deepening. Without telling the others what he was going to do, he marched off down the corridor and stopped when he turned the corner and saw Pat, sitting alone on the disabled ramp railing.

On seeing an angry Julian approaching, Pat gasped and sat rigid, looking down a little nervously.

Julian stormed up to him, the other two tracking behind him. "Is it true?"

"W-What are you talking about?" Pat muttered with his head down.

Julian gently placed a finger on Pat's chin, lifting up his head. A spike of anger shot through him when he saw the large bruises consuming Pat's welling eyes, and slithers of blood running from his nose and lips.

"I-I'm sorry, I-" Pat started.

Julian saw red. He let go of Pat and ran off. Cap and Humphrey arrived and saw the damage done to Pat's messy face. They comforted the crying boy before Humphrey went to fetch the others.

BBC Ghosts: Teatime ClubDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora