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"Alright guys, it's time for Maths!"

"Boo!" Julian chorused, giving Pat a thumbs down.

"Can't we do something else instead?" Thomas complained, wanting to be anywhere but inside their history classroom. "How about English?"

"We did English not long ago, Thomas." Fanny rolled her eyes as she lightly traced her fountain pen along the margin of her book. "I mean, I'm all for it but rules are rules."

"Fudge the rules!" Robin shouted, jumping up on his chair in a pounce. "Let's do something else! Let's learn about space!"

"Er, space?" Pat tilted his head at Robin's suggestion. "Why?"

"Because I love space!" he beamed, standing up fully and spreading his arms out to the ceiling. "Everything that's out there... doesn't it excite you?"

"I'm more interested in what's here on the ground." Cap huffed, mind elsewhere.

"So am I..." Mary replied dreamily, staring at Robin.

"Come on now, settle down, Robin. Please?" Pat tried to talk sense into him but Robin wasn't having it.

"No Maths! Wanna talk about Moonah!"

"Moonah? You mean the Moon?" Humphrey replied with an eyebrow raised.

"Oh the Moonah, how exciting!" Kitty giggled, thinking of how romantic she found it.

"Robin, settle down! Please get off the chair." Pat urged him.

Robin pouted and jumped down. "If we can't do spacey-things I think we should go back to my house like we did before."

This piqued Julian's interest. "Back to your house again? You mean, to sort of do work but also sort of just chill instead?"

"Exactly!" Robin replied excitedly, eyes filling up with anticipation.

Mary smiled broadly and turned to Pat, "What do you think, Patrick?"

Pat bit his tongue. As much as he wanted to spend time with his friends around Robin's house he knew Mrs Cooper was trusting him and relying on him to teach the guys at school, with no distractions. But the offer was just so tempting!

"Well, Pat? It's your decision." Cap reiterated, not seeming fussed whatever the class decided to do.

"Um, well, we could have a vote?" Pat suggested with a shrug. "Who wants to stay here?"

Nobody offered their hand.

Pat laughed. "So you all want to leave?"

"That's about the gist of it." Fanny smirked.

"Are you okay with us spending time at yours to do the work, Robin?" Pat asked.

Robin nodded enthusiastically. "My parents love you guys! They're just happy that I actually have friends now!"

Pat gave him a heartfelt smile. "Alright, alright. We'll go to Robin's and do our Maths work. Everyone okay with that?"

His clubbies nodded and confirmed they were okay with it, so Pat led them out of the classroom. Unfortunately for the group, one of the teachers caught them on the way out, causing Pat to seize up in fear at being called back. The group walked over to the teacher in question, who just happened to be Mrs Cooper's husband.

"So where are you lot off to, eh?" he started cheerily. "Aren't you supposed to be doing that after school thingy?"

Pat felt he couldn't breathe for a moment.

"Yeah, that's right. We were just going to my house to do the work 'cus it's comfier." Robin admitted, causing Pat to inwardly panic.

"Oh right! Well... I'm sure Ali- Mrs Cooper would be fine with that. As long as you're actually planning to do the work and not bunk off like I used to do!" he grinned. "What are you guys going to be doing?"

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