"And you... didn't get detention?"

"Mrs Fraiser was out of the room when it happened. Nobody said anything though, because nobody really likes Shawn."

"Lucky escape." Robin muttered.

"Well... good on you, Robin!" Pat smiled.

Pat rather enjoyed sitting and talking with his new companions. Although he didn't have much in common with them, they seemed to be able to make conversation anyway and were soon embroiled in a deep discussion about radishes. They were eventually interrupted by the end of lunch bell and Pat left them to walk to his tutor group, feeling considerably better than before.


"But why, Patrick?" Thomas moaned. "Can't we just do poetry?"

"I'm sorry, Thomas. Mrs Cooper specifically asked me to go through the play because we're starting the new module shortly."

"Can't we just act it out instead?" Thomas suggested.

"Ooh, yes please!" Kitty squealed. "Plays are fun!"

"I do love a play." Mary added.

"Guys, please! Concentrate!" Pat waved his hands around to try and gain back his authority. The focus of their Teatime Club today was English, and naturally Thomas was making things hard for him, amongst other things.

Namely Julian.

"Bagsy Romeo!" said teenager cried out. "And and bagsy Fanny as Juliet." he gave her a little nudge.

"Oh push off!" Fanny cried, "I'll never be your Juliet!"

Thomas huffily turned to Julian. "If anyone is to be Romeo, it will be I!"

"You can't even talk Shakespearean right, ye olde fusspot." Julian mocked, flapping his arms out like a chicken.

"Are you mocking me, sir?" Thomas gasped.

"So what if I am, Thorne?" Julian retorted, standing up straight. "I'd wipe the floor with you any day."

"Bring it on, sir!" Thomas held out his fists.

"Guys!" Pat stepped in-between them. "Please sit down, we have the lesson to get on with!"

"I'd rather do drama." Kitty inputted unhelpfully.

"I already have a lesson planned, Kitty. Sorry about that. Now will you all please just sit down so we can get on with it?"

The teenagers complied. Pat let out a sigh and made his way back to the front of the room. "Okay then. Romeo and Juliet. What do we know about them?"

Humphrey raised his hand and Pat acknowledged him, "It's about a couple who come from different families who hate each other and end up doing themselves in, in a major cock-up type situation."

"Spoilers." muttered Julian.

"Very good, Humphrey!" Pat nodded. "Mrs Cooper wants us to study themes of love and told me that we have to read a few of the chapters and basically highlight anything of interest relating to love, sound good?"

"Yes!" Kitty nodded.

"Great!" Pat beamed.

"So, do you have the books, Patrick?" Cap asked, causing Pat's face to drop.

"Erm... oh."

"You forgot them, didn't you?"

"I may have done so, yes."

Cap rolled his eyes. "Great. No books for us then, ergo, no lesson."

"So we get to act it out after all?" Thomas asked enthusiastically.

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