Pacify her (part 2)

191 3 4

word count :: 949

SMUT, TW ;; Killing (?)

Wasn't it you who said that you wouldn't let me get lonely? " Mitchel smirked " I am man of my word" Whispered Mitchel into blonde's ear as shivers went down Christian's back. 

In that exact moment Christian wanted to get up but he couldn't. He felt locked to the feeling of Mitchel's breath on his neck. He wanted to say something but words got stuck down his throat ( not the only thing that will be down his throat...). As he got lost in his own mind full of chaos Mitchel connected their lips. All there was in Christian's mind was silence now. Just peace. No stress, no over thinking, no problems. Just good energy that surrounded them. Kras kissed back as they tongues linked in passionate dance. Mitchel pushed Christian gently making him lay down on the cold concrete of the rooftop. Mitty's hands slid up Christian's shirt, getting lost in labyrinth of the feelings that were passing through the touch of Mitchel's hands, Christian took off his shirt and as the chilly air ran down his back he flipped them over getting now on top of his friend. Blonde's thigh now grinded against other's crotch as their kiss deepened. Christian with smooth move took off bottom parts of Mitchel's clothing looking him up and down with small smirk. With no hesitation he took other's member into his mouth sucking on it with a up and down head movement. It didn't take long until Christian's ears were filled with beautiful music which was nothing else but Mitchel's moans. Christian got even more turned on which resulted in faster movement from him. The exact moment when Mitchel felt the finish line Christian's phone rang. He stopped which caused Mitchel to groan in frustration. As Kras took phone out of his pocket Mitty took it from him pushing Christian's head down so he would continue. Kras didn't argue just because he didn't see who was calling. Until the moment when Mitchel picked up.
"Christian can't talk right now, he is... busy " In no time Mitchel came biting on his hand so he wouldn't moan to the phone but muffled sound still came out.
" Mitchel what the fuck give me Christian to the phone" Mitchel rolled his eyes then looked at Christian as rest of white liquid that wasn't swallowed leaked from his lips. " It's your GIRLFRIEND Christian " Mitchel smirked as he handed him the phone. Christian's eyes widened, he took the phone and started talking to his,, love " in no time he got up mouthing :"sorry" To Mitchel placing kiss on top of his head before leaving.


I laid back on that roof top lighting a cigarette feeling the rage filling me up. It happened every damn time. Christian runs to this bitch like a little puppy thrown a bone. He's here sucking me off and the other moment he's gonna be on her. This is bullshit and I can't just stare at this in the background. I don't even know when I happened to show up in front of her house. I don't know how I got inside. Christian wasn't there he must've left. I don't know how did I get so much blood on my hands, and I mean so fucking much. I don't remember. I didn't do anything. Right? I just, can't remember. After this I went to Christian's. He opened the door and started yelling. My ears were ringing I couldn't even hear what he said. He pulled me inside and sat down. He wanted to call some where and then it hit me. "Christian it's not my blood. " He put the phone down and with visible shock on his face looked me in the eyes. "Mitchel. Whose blood is it?"
I looked down at my hands and smirked. " I think I solved our problem Christian. " I think that's when Christian realized what happened. He sat down. In silence. Nothing came out of his mouth. Not even a sob. I looked back up expecting to be met with the worst look of disgust but it wasn't that.

Christian's Pov

I didn't think long before getting up and pulling Mitchel to the bathroom. I took his clothes off and threw them into the sink. "Underwear too " Mitchel frowned in confusion. "What are you doing " I sighed helping him take off rest of his clothing guiding him into the bathtub. "Christian stop" I looked at him slightly irritated. "What? " I knew what. I knew how fucked the situation was. I don't think my brain got the clues. Nothing actually got to me. In fact I was terrified. Mitchel looked just as bad. Like he wasn't present with me. Once I cleaned him up, I gave him fresh clothes and sat on my bed. I placed my hands on his cheeks and looked him in the eyes.
"Mitchel... What did you do?"
That's exactly when he broke down. He tried to pull me closer but I moved away.

3rd person POV

Mitchel looked up at Christian with tears in his eyes. That was it. He lost Christian didn't he? That was the exact moment there could be heard glass shattering on the floor. However it was Mitchel's heart. He got up and grabbed Christian by his wrist "Christian... Come on. She won't be a problem anymore."
Kras couldn't help himself but lay a smack across Mitty's face. "You're a fucking killer."
Now Christian cried along with Mitchel. But Mitchel once again pulled him close into a hug. Christian didn't have the strength to do anything. He was tired. Mitchel was his only friend. He was more than a friend...

I always said. That It was my Christian.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 10, 2023 ⏰

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