Beast and The Prey

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"Twelve o'clock, blonde with the red haired girl, I say five" Christian immediately turned his head towards the guy while pouring another drink. "You give HIM a five?" Kras chuckled shaking his head at Mason's taste in men. "Oh come on with the money he has he's a solid five" Christian raised his eyebrow and shrugged. "Yeah sure if money is the four and a half then I agree" they both laughed before getting back to doing their job properly.
Christian been a barman at this place for two years now. He pretty much knew most of the clients, the only ones he didn't know were the one timers or first timers.
It was about 2 am when he got suddenly punched in the arm by Mason. " What the fuck dude? " Christian frowned massaging his arm. "Okay Kras, focus. Ten o'clock coming our way, dark haired, braids with two girls. " Blonde boy turned his head immediately after those words, and once he locked his eyes on the guy he understood why he got hit. "That's a solid twelve" Luckily the man was too focused on the women basically climbing on him to realize that two bartenders were looking directly at him so as soon as he sat down they were pretending they never saw anyone. "Two dry martinis please " He said then kissing the brunette on his left "for my beautiful girls" both of em giggled as Christian just nodded and after couple minutes he served the drinks " Enjoy " he shot a smile towards both of em before realizing the dark haired guy was looking right through his soul, Christian felt it the moment their eyes connected. "Sure you don't want anything sir? " Before he could answer one of the girls started getting impatient. " Oh Mitchel come on we were supposed to just grab drinks and leave " The guy looked back at the girl whispering something to her then to the other and they both left.

"No I'm sure, I don't drink anymore. " Christian nodded feeling a little bit weird out by the whole situation so he tried to continue his work. He tried, but he felt the eyes on him and he wasn't wrong on that. Mitchel was looking him up and down paying attention to every detail on his body. He was just sitting there while Christian was doing his job. "What's your name? " Christian froze in place because he heard his voice like there was no music, or shit ton of people around them, he turned around with confusion on his face " Christian" Said Mitchel after reading the badge on Christian's Chest.
It's not like it was a new situation to Kras because there's a lot of people in and out that are interested in him but it was about the guy. He had the rich asshole vibe and Christian was overwhelmed by it. Of course there's a lot of rich people around but they weren't like him. It's like his presence was pushing Christian right to the ground. " Mitchel? " this time said Kras. Mitchel just nodded with a small smirk on his face because he realized that the boy was listening earlier. Kras looked around to see if he was needed anywhere and when he realized he isn't he just leaned against the bar. " So, what is your intention in being here? Asking because it seems like two of your goals just left" Christian couldn't help but chuckle at his own words but Mitchel just smiled slightly at him "Don't worry I found a new one ".

The eye contact between them got just more intense as neither of them wanted to break it until Mason literally punched Christian back to reality. " Can you please STOP hitting me?!" Mason just rolled his eyes already annoyed since there was more and more people around the bar all of sudden. " Yeah sure i will once you will start doing your fucking job." Christian just sighed and went directly to get orders. In between Mitchel was talking to random girls at bar just to buy them drinks so he could have couple minutes of Blonde's time.

"When Are you leaving?" Mitchel asked. Christian chuckled. "What, you had enough of my presence already?" blue eyed had the spark in his eyes as he put that arrogant smirk on his face. "Quite the opposite " Christian's smile dropped as he took a deep breath and looked on his imaginary watch. "Right around, in your dreams" He smiled and went back to work leaving Mitchel even more intrigued than before.

POV. Christian

This Mitchel guy is sitting here like more than an hour already. Thirty more minutes and my shift ends and i didn't have in plans being followed by some dude. I don't mind him it's just i know that if he catches me off guard i won't stop him. I mean god this man is hella attractive and it seemed like he wasn't going anywhere so i could as well play him a bit. I looked at my phone to check the hour and walked up to him. " Twenty minutes" He turned away from person he was talking to looking slightly disoriented." What?" I let out soft sigh " I'm free in twenty minutes, take it or leave it." I Walked away to clean up the mess on the bar with both satisfaction and regret because i felt like the baddest alive and on the other hand i could literally agree to get with serial killer and didn't know about it.

After those stressful twenty minutes i went to the dressing room to change and once i stepped out of the door he was there waiting.

3rd Person


I think i changed my mind, i'm tired " Christian looked at the taller man.
" You're scared aren't you ? " Mitchel rested his body against the wall, not breaking the eye contact even for a second. Christian took it as a challenge and faked a smirk, because after all he couldn't lie that he was slightly afraid. "Fine, where you wanna go? " Mitchel chuckled and made couple steps towards Christian. "Well, my car is outside so, shall we? " Christian sighed and nodded. When they left the building and were supposed to get in the car, which Kras still thought is a terrible idea, he felt hands on his waist. The moment he wanted to say something he got turned around and felt soft lips on his. He pushed away for a second looking with shock at the taller male. Mitchel tilted his head, but before he could say something it was Kras who took control this time around. Blond guy pinned the dark haired against his own car deepening the kiss. However Mitchel wasn't the type to submit to someone, no matter if that was sex or day to day life. He was the apex predator and he knew how to use it. He stopped shorter boy as he noticed that he is already committed. He pushed them away from his car and chuckled. " I thought you were tired? " Kras rolled his eyes making it more dramatic than it was.
"You definitely know how to ruin the moment don't you. " Mitchel just laughed softly and opened the door for the shorter one. "Ladies first" Christian just shook his head and sat down without further arguing. Mitty got comfortable in his seat and looked over to the pouty blonde on his side.
"Someone got offended?" Christian looked at him as his expression immediately changed. " You really think you're important enough to offend me? Lower your ego pretty boy " Mitchel nodded with satisfaction, he liked that. He didn't want easy win, that's exactly why he pushed him away. He was intrigued by the blonde boy but he didn't want it to go too fast. It was all about the back and forth. He was into that. "Not to brag but you called me sir not that long ago " Younger boy looked at him with slight spark in his eyes. The spark of idea. He slid his hand up Mitchel's thigh. Moving his body closer to his.
"Oh that's what you like? You like having the power, don't you sugar ? We'll not over me " Christian immediately backed off. "Are we doing something or do you want me to leave, because we're obviously wasting time here. " The other one had a small grin on his face. "I don't think we're wasting time here darling. I quite enjoy your company. " Blonde sighed and just decided to relax. " You wanted to fuck me? Right? Well I don't know if you noticed but you are certainly not doing that. " Mitty's eyes burned with lust at this point. He wanted him. More than anything. His body couldn't compare to any bitch he fucked. His hair, his eyes, his voice. Everything just screamed perfection and he couldn't hold it anymore. Although he didn't wanna show it to him. "I don't like rushing. " Kras looked at him now with softer expression. "I noticed, you sat at the bar for quite a long time, and I can't really understand why. I mean you really committed for this long just to sit in the car with me. I'm impressed. " Mitchel chuckled and leaned forward brushing hair out of blonde's face. " You're really mesmerizing and I can't fight with it " "Then don't. " In that exact moment Mitchel connected their lips together, as the kiss got deeper and more sensual he pushed back his seat so Christian could get on top. Mitchel went down to his neck leaving dark, visible marks while pushing his hips up against the other, causing Kras to let out a soft moan just simply from the built up tension. The moment that Mitchel laid his hands on this man there was no going back. They took off the bottom parts of their clothing really clumsily which lead to couple laughs from both of them. Yet it was just matter of seconds till Brown haired was inside of the other. He started to move without hesitation which made Christian lean forward on him so he wouldn't hit the roof of the car. Moans of both of them filled the whole vehicle in no time. Christian rested his face in the crook of Mitty's neck not holding in moans even a bit and that turned Mitchel on more than he could imagine. After some time of heavy breathes and loud noises from both of them, they managed to finish. Mitchel first. Kras right after. The moment he got off him they jumped because of the knock on the window. It was Mason. Mitchel rolled down the window covering himself as well as did Christian. "Uhm, you forgot your hard- I mean hat. " Kras just smiled awkwardly and thanked his friend. The moment the window got rolled back up they both started laughing maniacally, and just like that the beast fell in love with his prey.

The story worth killing for.

lil come back warm up, hi there.

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