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With a cold breeze still lulling the people there was a ball of fur sipping her hot chocolate, turned the next page of her book which was in her hand. Her sipping sound was so annoying but that didnt stop her from doing her tactics. It was her paradise. Her way out to the reality. The downtown library. She was not  a student but a working woman far from her home country and settled in downtown a small country away from her home continent. 

When her alarm struck 8 she closed the book and placed them back to the shelf. It was that moment a small piece of paper fell down from the book. She saw that yellow piece of sticky note and found someone has written something on that. 

"That piece of crap is not worth of your love Jules. More than him go and look at the guy who is standing for you always. David. Love that guy not this stupid Miller." She busted into a fit of laughter. Miller David Jules were the characters of the book and someone was so desperate more than her for this book and also for Jules to look at David who was really a nice character. 

She wrote something in the back of the sticky note and placed them in the book and the book to the respective shelf. All her way to her office she was smiling remembering the words of desperation. With the people so polite and kind she was always a morning bunny hopping her way to her office. And when she entered she was greeted with the sound of cutlery clinging. To her right was a dining room of the restaurant she works. Walking to the cabin with her name Hridaya imprinted in the door, she took a deep breathe as she has a long day at work. 

In the other part of the town there was a commotion in the apartment where a guy is still searching for his socks and his best friend is sleeping like a log of wood. 

"Where the hell is my neck tie ? " he screamed and bumped into something and fell down in the pile of cloths. Separating the  he found his friend was still knocked due to the alcohol. Screaming again he rolled him the other side and pulled the tie and with another socks wearing on his lift he ran to the bus station to catch his bus and he was able to make it on time. With a sigh he sat and pulled his mobile and plugged his ear phones to listen to the songs. It took him exactly half an hour to come to the destination. The downtown library. He rushed to the place where he placed the book he wanted to read. He had a soft copy of the book but still he loved the smell of the paper and the small torn pages which always reminds what he felt when he was crossing those pages. With finally taking a long breath he started to read the pages. Once his heart was content he placed the book back to the place but before that a small yellow paper was peeping out which made him chuckle as he knew what was the content. He was about to crush the paper but a different pen ink was making him curious to look at the crumbled paper in his hand. 

"David deserves better not this stupid Jules."  He laughed his heart content. True that character deserves better. He smiled looking at the sticky note and something dawned to him. Someone has the same way of thinking at him. It made him smile. He took his bag and wrote something in his sticky paper and placed it in that book. 

"A key to success philosophy story row 9 my next book." Something that day changed and it was for good. 


Hello all Bunny is back to business. Its been what 2 years since i did something like this. A new book ? Apologies for that. But here i am back to the business. As it is been soo long forgive me for the flaws. Hope you all love it. Also from now on i will make sure to give regular updates. Be an artist and paint the star. 

Until chapter one 

Your love



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