Chapter 1: Criminal Charge

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"Yikes.. that wasnt pretty." a shorter minty haired devil replied to a gunshot across a shooting range. The broad man with fluffy orange hair turned to her, turning on the safety on the gun. "Whats wrong? Little miss perfect cant handle a gunshot? You've been here for 3 years, you HAVE to get used to it." The man scoffed. "You know I cant, Scott." she smiles with a small clap.

"And you know I'm going to retire anyways, right?" She asked. "Amelia.. I still can't comprehend why you would want to leave? We are the strongest force in this town!" he gave some enthusiasm on the word 'strongest force' "Oh boy, Scott. I cant stay in this job, I'm never going to be fit. I'm made to be a.. fashion designer.. or a cook.. or.. a business owner!" she trailed off. "Just because your a woman dowsnt mean you cant be a POLICEwoman."

After a while of chatting, they made it to the front office, Scott gave her a small wave before heading to the lockers. She hesitated before clicking the large blue door open revealing a long brown desk with files and files lined up directly in the corner. There sat an older woman with straight blue-isb black hair with a gray streak.

The woman jerked her head up to the noise before giving a toothy grin. "Amelia! Good afternoon." she paused before letting her grin falter. "Your here to.. retire.. correct?" Lil' minty gave a small nod before handing in a long sheet of paper. the woman sighed before looking over it and nodding. "Alright, I hope you enjoyed Connecticut police enforcement. Have good travels!" she waved off before Amelia left the room quickly, head down.

| Time Skip |

"Alright. What now.." she mumbled, awaiting the bus to arrive. She needed to get to her apartment before sunset, because thats when her neighours headed to bed and she didnt want to be a burden.

God she was too nice.

She slowly made her way up the stairs, unlocking the door to be met with a smaller white cat brushing her leg. "Aww~ Ghost! Hello to you too!" she grinned, closing the door behind her, stepping over the white cat.

Amelia made her way to her room to change into casual clothes. She wore a sweatshirt and some sweatpants along with some glasses.

"Alright.. its 5:20, I have atleast an hour or so to help around the town." Amelia loved to help around just for the extra money, ever since she moved out she had some trouble with her money. So this always gave her the boost she needed.

| Time skip to where she is in the town. |


I walk down the street, trying to ignore the cold rush of air passing me, I let out a shiver before quickening my pace. I was led to a small corner shop with flashing lights " RAINES CORNER SHOP " in blue. As I entered a bell rings to announce myself.

"Ah! Good evening Amelia." They wave at me with a toothy grin. "Evening, have any rubbish by chance?" they nod and lead me behind the counter and hand me 2 black bags that were quite heavy, nothing to extreme for the Blight here.

"Alright." I said before heading out the red door which lead to a dark alleyway with two dumpsters. I take a deep breath before advancing. I step in a sticky puddle of.. of.. wait. what is that? "Eww!" I jump out and trot to the dumpsters, chucking the bags in before coughing in disgust.

"Great.." I mumble. When I turn a notice a taller figure holding a briefcase. "HEY!" I yell out, they turn to me and laugh. As they walk forward I feel myself start to cower.

"Evening," they say softly. As they make it closer the sun through the crack shows me their appearance, its a tall latina with brown hair along with a red beanie, they wear a black t-shirt and some orange sweatpants.

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