-Disaster (Morat)-

Bắt đầu từ đầu

¿Cómo te atreves a volver? - How dare you to comeback?
Y a tus cenizas convertir en fuego - And turn your ashes into fire
Hoy mis mentiras veo caer - Today I see my lies all fall down
Que no es verdad que te olvidé - It's not true that I forgot you

¿Cómo te atreves a volver? - How dare you to come back
¿Por qué volviste si te vas a ir? - Why are you back, if you're leaving anyways?
Tantas mentiras que al final no veo - So many lies that in the end I can't see
Nunca fui bueno para distinguir - I was never the one to distinguish
Al fin y al cabo, siempre me las creo - After all, I always believe them

Cuatro vidas me juraste - Four lives you swore to me 
Tres "te odio" y un "te quiero" - Three hate you's and a love you
Dos consejos para darte - Two tips to give you
Prefiero ser un cobarde - I'd rather be a coward
Que olvidarte de primero - Than to forget you first

¿Cómo te atreves a volver? - How dare you to comeback?
Me hiciste daño pero sigo vivo - You made some damage, but I'm still alive
Contigo yo me acostumbré a perder - With you, I'm used to loose
Mi corazón funciona sin latidos - My heart works without beating

¿Cómo te atreves a volver? - How dare you comeback?
Y a tus cenizas convertir en fuego - And turn your ashes into fire
Hoy mis mentiras veo caer - Today I see my lies all fall down
Que no es verdad que te olvidé - It's not true that I forgot you
¿Cómo te atreves a volver? - How dare you comeback?

"Better?" They both asked. "Yes." Hayley answered laughing.

- | - | - | - | - | - | -

After a fun night at the karaoke, the girls entered the dorm laughing and recounting their memories from just moments ago. "Can we talk?" Jungwon asked with his head hanging low. "Yeah." Hayley answered as the girls went completely silent. "Great." He said and they went to the leaving room.

"I'm sorry." Jungwon started. "I'm sorry too." Hayley said. "I didn't mean for us to fight... again." He said. "Yeah, I shouldn't have made it a problem. You didn't even asked in a wrong manner." She said.

"What's wrong with us? We've been fighting a lot lately. I don't want to be this way with you." Jungwon said. "I don't know. I don't like this either. This is painful for both of us. I don't want to have the need of arguing with anyone. Specially you. You're my best friend ." Hayley said.

Friend? They both thought. 'Why would I say that? I don't se him as a friend.' Hayley's thoughts were running at a million per hour. Jungwon's head doing the same. 'Friend? Am I just a friend to her?' Any intention Jungwon had of confessing in the moment vanished. He was going to do it today but now she called him a FRIEND.

- x - x - x - x - x - x -

You Are The Music In Me

Another day, another sla- schedule. Just working for today. Jake, Dara, Jungwon, Heeseung, and Hayley were in the van. Today Hayley was feeling down, she didn't knew why tho. It was just one of those days were everything seems wrong. She didn't even have enough energy to talk. She was sitting beside Jungwon, but for some reason, today was uncomfortable.

She turned her face at him. Music playing in her headphones. Morat's No Se Va to be specific. They were all chatting like they normally would, but she wasn't being a part of the conversation this time. "What are you listening?" Jungwon said taking one AirPod off Hayley's ear and into his. "Oh, you're listening to Morat a lot these days." How'd he knew? Did he actually pay attention to her?

"Yeah." She shortly said. "Can I look at the lyrics?" He asked her. "Sure, but you won't understand." She said. "I can just click this button." He said and the lyrics immediately changed into Hangul.

Tan fácil que es enamorarme - Easy falling in love
Y tan difícil olvidarte - Hard forgetting you
Porque la vida me juraste - Because you swore me with your life
Y hoy te busco - Today I look for you
Y tú no estás - And you're not there

Jungwon read the lyrics that matched the current ones, attentively. Hayley in the other hand, could just stare at him.

Y aunque me duela ver tu foto - Looking at your picture hurts
Entreno mi corazón roto - I'm training my broken heart
Por si mañana te vuelvo a encontrar - Just in case I can't find you tomorrow

"This meant for someone?" He asked. "What?" She looked at him confusedly but he just looked back at the phone.

Ya no sé disimular - I can't pretend anymore
Llamo y no te puedo hablar - I call you and I can't talk
Tú recuerdo no se va, no se va, no se va - You're memory doesn't go, doesn't go, doesn't go

As soon as he finished reading those lyrics he turned to look at her. The most awkward eye contact they've ever made. She couldn't help but to take the earphone away from Jungwon and turning her face to the window.

The atmosphere between them two was weird the rest of the ride.

- | - | - | - | - | - | -

"You guys have an hour to go to eat, rest, whatever." The staff told them. "Okay, I'm going to the artist room." Jungwon said before Heeseung took him by the arm and started skipping with him happily. "What's up hyung?" Jungwon asked. "We're going to eat together." Heeseung said. "Okay, but I wasn't really hungry I was actua-" Jungwon was saying until he was interrupted by Hee dragging him to the cafeteria.

When they were there Heeseung looked for the table that was surrounded by the least people. They ended up sitting by a window. "We have to order first." Jungwon said. "We'll do that eventually. Now sit and answer." Heeseung said firmly.

"Okay..." Jungwon doubted. "Do you and Hayley have something going on?" Heeseung asked. What Hayley couldn't notice in that car after she turned her attention to the window was, the big smirk in Jungwon's face, and that Heeseung had witnessed the whole thing.

"No." Jungwon answered. "Look Jungwon, I wouldn't hide things from me if I were you. Specially something as important as you liking Hayley." Heeseung said. "What if I do? It won't change anything." Jungwon said. "Look, everyone can tell that you guys like each other. I would appreciate that if you are making a move, you can make it now. I don't want her suffering anymore." Heeseung said.

"Look hyung. Last time I checked Hayley doesn't tell you everything. There's no way you'll know how she feels. Her being down is not my fault. And I won't do anything to change the way we are." Jungwon said and walked out the cafeteria.

- | - | - | - | - | - | -

Heeseung's words revolved around Jungwon's mind. Confess. Confess. Confess.

They were already at home. He decided to go to talk with Hayley. On his way he stumbled upon her. "I have to talk to you." Hayley said anxiously. "What's up?" Jungwon asked as if he wasn't looking for her. He had chickened out again. He was almost sure she wasn't going to tell him anything about their moment in the van this morning, so she just let her talk.

"It's about the van." Hayley said and Jungwon panicked. "Look Hayley, it's okay. I don't think it was awkward, not at all." Jungwon said trying to escape the conversation. "But, it was Jungwon." Hayley said as Jungwon walked away. "No, it's completely fine Hayi!" Jungwon said positively and ran into the room directing himself to bed.

Not again! He thought. This wasn't the first time that Hayley had taken a step, but he wasn't ready in any of those times to accept her feelings in front of her. No, not at all. Nevertheless, he longed for her, he wanted to be with her in a romantic way, not just platonic.

He needed her. He was desperate for her, but at the same time scared for their future together. There were so many factors, and he wanted everything to be perfect. 'Damn, love is complicated.' Jungwon thought.

soooooo, how's it going??? i hope you liked this extra hawon 'i want to confess' moments. anygays this chapter was done with lots of love. byeeeeeeee! <3

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